Biological age as a determinating factor of individualization of physical education of children




physical education, physical development, biological age, chronological age, types of constitution


Purpose: to examine the existing methods of determine biological age of the children and choose the most affordable for the population. Material and Methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of literary sources. Results: the article presents a comparative analysis variety methods for determining the biological age. The qualitative component ratio of the body structure without its total volume and weight of body weight is the most effective method of determining the quality indicators of biological age. Conclusions: the main indicator of the biological age should be considered as a function of weight formation (weight) of the body that is associated in meaning with average population values.


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How to Cite

Ашанін Володимир Семенович (Volodymyr A., Пятисоцька Світлана Сергіївна (Svetlana P., & Жерновнікова Яна Вікторівна (Yana Z. (2015). Biological age as a determinating factor of individualization of physical education of children. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(46), 221–225.


