To the question of the organization of the educational and training process for historical and fighting fencing in clubs and federations of Ukraine
program of physical preparation, historical and applied fencing, general physical preparation, special physical preparation, historical arms, educational and training planAbstract
Purpose: to study the organization and the level of the educational and training process in clubs and federations on historical and fighting fencing in Ukraine. Material and Methods: the following methods were used in the research: the analysis of references on the studied problem, questioning. The leading trainers and instructors of clubs and federations of Ukraine, and also specialists in applied fencing took part in the questioning. Results: the main types of historical arms and the direction of fencing which are developing in clubs and federations of historical and fighting fencing of Ukraine were defined on the basis of studying and analysis of biographical data. The level of a condition of the technique of fencing and the educational and training process, the importance of a problem of use of special terminology are determined in clubs and federations of historical and fighting fencing of Ukraine. Conclusions: the analysis of the obtained biographical data showed that it is paid not enough attention to the organization and carrying out the educational and training process in clubs and federations of historical and fighting fencingReferences
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Copyright (c) 2015 (Volodymyr Ashanin) Ашанін Володимир Семенович, (Vladislav Buhors’kyy) Бугорський Владислав Олександрович, (Olga Bugorskaya) Бугорська Ольга Андріївна, (Svetlana Pyatisotskaya) Пятисоцька Світлана Сергіївна

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