Analysis of the incidence of disease among the primary school pupils related to the organization of the physical education provided to the medically fragile children


  • (Ganna Kazantseva) Казанцева Ганна Володимирівна Харківська державна академія фізичної культури, Ukraine



pupils, physical education, physical activity, physical education class with reduced load, specialized corrective gymnastics


Purpose: to research the breadth and type of the diseases among the primary school pupils aiming on the physical education optimization. Material and Methods: general data of the incidence of disease among the primary school pupils was revealed in the analysis of the medical documentation for 235 pupils of 1–4 grades at the general secondary school-lyceum in urban village Novofyodorovka. Results: it was revealed that the most wide spread health disorders at the primary school pupils are frequent respiratory diseases, functional disorders of locomotor apparatus and visual organs. Conclusions: the need of systematical application of the eyes exercises, breathing exercises as well as exercises for prophylaxis and correction of the skeleton deformations has been shown to increase the health-improving character of the physical education lessons at the primary school


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How to Cite

Казанцева Ганна Володимирівна (Ganna K. (2015). Analysis of the incidence of disease among the primary school pupils related to the organization of the physical education provided to the medically fragile children. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(50), 74–80.


