Physical rehabilitation of congenital heart disease as a social problem




heart defect, physical rehabilitation, physical exercise


Purpose: to attract the attention to the problem of physical rehabilitation of congenital heart diseases. Material and Methods: analyzed the domestic and foreign scientific and methodological literature on the problems of the physical rehabilitation of congenital heart disease. Results: in the domestic literature lacks modern works on the subject. Foreign literature sources indicate the positive impact of the programs of physical rehabilitation on exercise tolerance, health and quality of life of patients with heart defects. To develop recommendations on physical activity for persons with congenital heart disease. Conclusions: the development of cardiac surgery requires simultaneous progress in the development of programs and guidelines for physical rehabilitation


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How to Cite

Кульченко Ірина Анатоліївна (Іrina K. (2015). Physical rehabilitation of congenital heart disease as a social problem. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(50), 86–88.


