Influence training process program for coach physiological quality of players 10–12 years
young players, physiological properties testsAbstract
Lebedev S., Tyurin A.
The practice of sport shows with proper evidence-based construction training process, not all young athletes can achieve high-level sports technics that puts them at further sporting destiny.
Purpose: identify the dynamics of psychophysiologic рreparations young players aged 10–12 years.
Material & Methods: analysis and synthesis of the literature; pedagogical testing laboratory method; methods of mathematical statistics.
Results: significant difference in evaluating the capacity for predicting the situation in the field: between 10 and 11 years – on 0.16 points (t=3,57; p<0,001) and between 11 and 12 at 0.27 points (t=2,99; p<0,05). In 11-year-old young players improved 0.79 points relative to 10-year (t=2,30; p<0,05), and 12 years 1.09 points respectively to 11 years (t=4,12; p<0,001). Retrieved changes in terms Tapping test from 10 to 12 years (t=3,15; p<0.01), due to a higher physical activity (both in terms of employment and volume load).
Conclusions: with age, physiological indicators improved significantly.
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