Innovative methods of an assessment of physical condition of a person as a factor of ensuring the effective management of a moving object
human factor, safety of movement, semantic spaces, norm of physical conditionAbstract
Samsonkin V., Puhach Y., Druz V., Cherednichenko M., Shuteev V., Shutyeyeva T., Shishka V., Gorinа V.
Purpose: to establish the basic provisions of influence of a human factor on reliability of functioning of the system "the person – the object of management – the activity environment".
Materials and Methods: the general scientific methods of the analysis, analogy, deduction, comparison, statistical information processing. The methods of a statistical control of sample statistics on an alternative sign. The computer data processing with the use of Excel and Turbo Basic.
Results: the method of an individual control and an assessment of influence of a human factor on safety of functioning of the system "the person – the object of management – the environment" is developed.
Conclusions: the general provisions of the construction of the sign semantic spaces are established, which allow estimating the current functional state of a person–operator during his direct performance of the professional activity that provides control of its sufficient quality.
The international symposium on applied aspects of human factors and ergonomics, 15.06.2015, Las-Vegas, Available at: (date of the application 20.06.2015).
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Copyright (c) 2016 Валерий Николаевич Самсонкин, Ярославна Игоревна Пугач, Валерий Анатольевич Друзь, Мария Анатольевна Чередниченко, Вячеслав Вадимович Шутеев, Татьяна Николаевна Шутеева, Владимир Владимирович Шишка, Виктория Викторовна Горина

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