Sport’s selection of volley-ball players: morphological and pedagogical criteria of definition of movement endowments: (information 1)
sports selection, model characteristics, motor (movement) endowments, morphological signs, movement abilitiesAbstract
Serhiyenko L., Ablikova A.
Purpose: to define methodology of initial sports selection of young volley-ball players.
Material & Methods: methods of theoretical analysis and generalization, bibliographic method of search and study of scientific information, a systematic analysis are turned to account in this work.
Results: the article deals with the theoretical model of the mast important factors, which define sports endowments of volley-ball players. It is shown the point estimation of body structure and composition, motor and psychomotor abilities, dynamic possibilities, psychophisiological indices in the prognosis of volley-ball players gifted for high sports results.
Conclusions: criteria of high movement endowments of volley-ball players are defined; norms of estimation of motor abilities of valley-ball players on the initial steps of sports selection are given.
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