Organization of health at physical training lessons in the modern school




healthy living, health care of students, classes in physical education, the role of the teacher


Nikolai Gorodysky, Eugene Shalenko

Purpose: to identify and outline the necessary conditions aimed at a healthy lifestyle, refusal of bad habits, providing health care of students at physical education classes.

Material & Methods: theoretical and practical achievements of modern scientists, authors experience in conducting physical education classes; analysis of scientific literature on selected issues, systematization of received theoretical results and acquired sports and teaching experience, generalization of acquired scientific data to formulate conclusions of the article.

Results: in solving the problem of defining the role of the designated teacher who seeks to convince students in healthy lifestyles.

Conclusions: ensuring longevity in modern conditions of life requires public awareness about the need for healthy lifestyles and instilling in youth the love for the physical training and sports.


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How to Cite

Городиський, М., & Шаленко, Є. (2016). Organization of health at physical training lessons in the modern school. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(53), 30–34.


