The existing state of material support of football clubs




material support, football club classes


 Denis Demenkov

Purpose: to investigate the current state of material support of football clubs at schools of the Sumy region.

Material & Methods: we used a complex of complementary methods for the achievement of the purpose of the research among which: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature; analysis of normative documents, official sites of Internet; analysis of documentary materials; questioning.

Results: the question of the current state of material support of football clubs at schools of the Sumy region is considered. Questions of fullness of material support of football clubs are revealed.

Conclusions: the state of material support of football clubs at schools of the Sumy region is determined on the basis of the analysis of biographical particulars. The problematic issues regarding the process of preservation and development of material support of football club classes are defined for the purpose of the improvement of quality of football club classes.


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How to Cite

Деменков, Д. (2016). The existing state of material support of football clubs. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(53), 35–38.


