Condition of esthetic component of motive activity in aerobic gymnastics


  • Валентина Тодорова Львівський державний університет фізичної культури, Львів, Україна,



aerobic gymnastics, esthetic component, assessment, criteria, preparation stages, motive activity


Valentina Todorova

Purpose: to prove condition of esthetic component of motive activity of sportsmen in aerobic gymnastics at various stages of sports preparation.

Material & Methods: analysis of video records, method of expert assessment, methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: the level of criteria of esthetic component ("musicality", "dancing", "illustrative expressiveness", and "emotional expressiveness") with use of the offered rating scale is determined.

Conclusions: indicators of motive activities of sportsmen for aerobic gymnastics are defined at various stages of sports preparation.


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How to Cite

Тодорова, В. (2017). Condition of esthetic component of motive activity in aerobic gymnastics. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(57), 106–110.


