Dynamics of changes in the structure and morbidity level of technical college students





students, morbidity, dynamics, health status


Elena Tserkovnaya, Victor Osipov, Liudmila Filenko & Vladlena Pasko

Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis of the dynamics and structure of morbidity technical college students.

Material & Methods: analysis of scientific and methodical literature, the study of statistical reports of the city's 20th student polyclinic in Kharkov.

Results: it found that students major morbidity factors for noncommunicable diseases are low locomotors activity in combination with a high traffic load, deterioration of socio-economic conditions, and the growth of chronic fatigue, which leads to a reduction of compensatory-adaptation reactions of the organism. It was revealed that the highest level of prevalence have diseases of the respiratory system, vision and diseases of the nervous system.

Conclusion: these data suggest about the maximum growth rate of circulatory diseases, endocrine and urogenital systems, infectious and parasitic diseases in the last 10 years. This problem requires the development and implementation of various activities aimed at counteracting the risk factors of diseases among technical college students


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How to Cite

Церковная, Е., Осипов, В., Филенко, Л., & Пасько, В. (2017). Dynamics of changes in the structure and morbidity level of technical college students. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (2(58), 102–106. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2017-2.018


