A set of professional working ability indicators of military operators
military operator, indicators of professional ability to work, professional preparednessAbstract
Mykola Korchahin & Oleg Olkhovyі
Purpose: determination of indicators of professional work capacity and their impact on the success of professional activity of military operators in the cycle of alert duty.
Material & Methods: indicators of the professional capacity of military operators were determined through theoretical analysis, systematization and generalization of data from scientific and methodological sources, medical-biological, psycho-diagnostic methods and mathematical methods of processing the results of the study.
Result: it is determined that the most informative indirect indicators of the professional capacity of military operators of the contract service of the Air Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is: physical condition, psycho-emotional state, physical performance, aerobic endurance, static endurance of back muscles, neck and the abs, the speed of perception, memory, concentration and shifting attention. The correlation dependence of the level of professional preparedness of military operators on indirect indices of professional work capacity: physical fitness (r=0,58), psycho-emotional state (r=0,51), physical performance (r=0,34), aerobic endurance (r=0.59), static endurance of the muscles of the back and neck (r=0,52), static endurance of the abs muscles (r=0,48), simple sensorimotor reaction (r=0,44), short-term (operational) memory (r=0,40), concentration and attention switching (r=0,46).
Conclusion: a complex characteristic of the indicators of psycho-physiological functions of the body of a specialist can be used to assess the dynamics and prediction of the professional capacity of military operators of the Air Force in the cycle of alert duty.
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