Differentiation of the content of classes on physical education, taking into account indicators of physical health and physical preparedness of students in grades 7–9


  • Маргарита Мамешина




differentiation, physical education, physical health, physical preparedness of schoolchildren 13–15 years old


Margarita Mameshina

Purpose: to study changes in the physical health indicators of students in grades 7–9 under the influence of a differentiation program for the content of physical education classes.

Material & Methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; study of documentary materials and systematization of information; pedagogical observation; biomedical methods; pedagogical testing; methods of mathematical statistics.

Results: according to the results of the initial study, the “average” level of physical health of schoolchildren of 7th grades was determined, “below the average” – for students of 8–9th grades and the “low” level of physical preparedness of the studied contingent.

Conclusions: the revealed and significant changes (p<0,05–0,001) of indicators of physical health and physical preparedness of students in grades 7–9 of the main groups indicate the effectiveness of the proposed program for differentiating the content of physical education classes.


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How to Cite

Мамешина, М. (2019). Differentiation of the content of classes on physical education, taking into account indicators of physical health and physical preparedness of students in grades 7–9. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (6(74), 25–31. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2019-6.004


