Change of indicators rheography at the qualified athletes-swimmers when overcoming a marathon distance


  • Марія Борисівна Синюгіна [Mariya Sinyugina] Zaporizhzhya National University, Ukraine


cardiovascular system, swimmers-marathon, indicators rheography, physical activity, marathon heats


In work dynamics of changes of indicators of the central blood circulation at athletes-swimmers of different qualification is considered during a marathon distance (10000 m). The carried-out analysis of indicators rheography of athletes-swimmers during overcoming of a marathon distance allowed to define changes of indicators of the central blood circulation on separate sites of a distance. During research dependence of changes of indicators rheography of swimmers on their sports qualification is proved. It is established that more optimized work of cardiovascular system for performance of heavy marathon loadings at swimmers high sports category, least – at athletes of the low sports category.

Author Biography

Марія Борисівна Синюгіна [Mariya Sinyugina], Zaporizhzhya National University


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How to Cite

Синюгіна [Mariya Sinyugina] М. Б. (2013). Change of indicators rheography at the qualified athletes-swimmers when overcoming a marathon distance. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (5(38), 243–247. Retrieved from


