Prevention of the spring function of the foot, taking into account the anatomical features of its structure




Purpose: to study the possibilities of expanding conservative methods for correcting the arches of the foot, taking into account the anatomical features of their structure, since in the early stages of acquired deformities of the foot, its pathological setting is usually caused by changes in soft tissues: skin, ligaments and muscles.

Material and methods: 48 male students of KhSAPC, aged 18 to 20, participated in the experimental survey. A survey of representatives of 4 sports specializations was carried out, 12 athletes in each group: Football, Weightlifting, Basketball, Volleyball, Judo, Sambo, Taekwondo. The estimation of the standing height of the longitudinal arch based on the calculation of the "podometric index" (Friedland index). The assessment of the condition of the longitudinal and transverse arches of the foot was carried out by the method of plantometry. The assessment of the metric parameters of the foot was carried out at the beginning of the examination and after teaching the students the methods of manual foot correction: according to the method of muscules relaxation of the feet according to K. Lewit and according to G. Ivanichev. At the same time, autorelaxation of the spasmodic foot and lower leg muscules was carried out using the method of "finger exercises" of impact on the points of painful muscle compaction (BMU) of the plantar and dorsal surfaces of the foot.

Results: there was a change in the arches of the foot of two types (sharp and moderate flat feet) in athletes of the specialization "Football", "Basketball, volleyball", "Judo, sambo, taekwondo", and moderate flat feet in athletes of the "Weightlifting" specialization. Recommendations are given regarding conservative methods for correcting disorders of the foot structure.

Conclusions: the data obtained indicate that with conservative methods of correction of the foot arches, there are positive subjective changes. However, this influence is not enough to maintain the structure of the foot with constant overload. Since athletes have a developed musculo-ligamentous apparatus, which firmly holds the arches of the foot and ensures a tight fit of the foot bones to each other, it is especially important to use conservative methods of correcting the foot arches until the age of 20-25, that is, until the bone growth stops.

Keywords: arches of the foot, spring structures of the foot, flat feet.


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How to Cite

Sak, A. ., & Antypova, R. . (2021). Prevention of the spring function of the foot, taking into account the anatomical features of its structure. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(83), 47–52.


