Features of strength training for women 30-35 years old using the "Functional loops TRX" simulator





Purpose: to substantiate the effectiveness of using TRX suspension loops exercises for the development of strength qualities in women 30-35 years old.

Material and methods: the study was conducted during the year with a group of women 30-35 years old (10 people), engaged in health fitness. To determine the effectiveness of the use of exercises on TRX suspension loops for the development of strength qualities in women of 30-35 years old, analysis and generalization of literary sources, pedagogical observation, testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics were used.

Results: the analysis of the results of the study showed that after the experiment, the average group indicators of the strength qualities of women 30-35 years old turned out to be significantly higher compared to the results of the initial testing, their increase was from 4% to 39%. Also, a comparative analysis of the results of women in the study group using the Student's test showed reliably the best indicators of strength readiness in almost all tests (p <0,05; the value of t ranges from 2,11 to 2,79), except for the tests "Сountermovement jump" and "Standing long jump" where the result is also better, but it is not statistically significant (tp=2,10; p>0,05).

Conclusions: the results obtained showed the effectiveness of using exercises on functional TRX loops for the development of strength qualities in women 30-35 years old.

Keywords: development of strength qualities, fitness program, women 30-35 years old, TRX functional loops simulator, exercises.


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How to Cite

Deineko, A. ., Bilenka, I., & Lutsenko, L. . (2021). Features of strength training for women 30-35 years old using the &quot;Functional loops TRX&quot; simulator. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (4(84), 18–23. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2021-4.003


