The geopolitical and social factors to improve the technique of fencing peoples of Russia in the period from VII-XIV centuries
fencing technique of peoples of Russ, historical fencing, social and geopolitical factors, protective equipmentAbstract
Purpose:determine the extent of the influence of social and geopolitical factors in the improvement of the art of fencing of the peoples of Russ in the period from VII-XIV centuries. Material and methods: analysis of literary and archaeological sources. Results:the level of extendart of fencing peoples of Russ in the period from VII-XIV centuries was determined. The analysis of the level of influence of geopolitical, social factors and weapons complex at improving fencing technique of peoples of Russ in the period from VII-XIV centuries was determined. Conclusions: key social and geopolitical events in Russ in the period from VII-XIV centuries was identified. Their influence on the improvement of techniques of sword fencing was proved.
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