The Applied and cognitive aspect of sporting tourism




sporting tourism, meteorological indexes, study of a particular region, scientific researches, abilities and skills of survival, extreme terms


Purpose: to show the applied meaningfulness of sporting tourism. Material and Methods: an analysis, treatment and generalization of literary information, is on a creature a question. Results: daily meteorological control of external environment on basic criteria (temperature, humidity, direction and rate of movement of air, settling) allows correctly to determine and correct tactic and technique of motion and life-support of group. Regional supervisions and implementations of tasks of research organizations and establishments are promoted by ratings and meaningfulness of measure. Conclusions: sporting tourism except for implementation of sporting tasks allows to get the additional supply of knowledges from many sciences, to purchase common to all mankind skills and master ability and skills of survival in the extreme terms of external environment.


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How to Cite

Булашев Олександр Якович (Alexander B. (2015). The Applied and cognitive aspect of sporting tourism. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(45), 34–37.


