Features of the applied physical preparedness of the first-year students of a legal higher educational institution





students, a work of an investigator, applied physicality, force, endurance, level of the development


Purpose: to study a level of the development of separate applied physicality of the 1st year students of a legal higher educational institution. Material and Methods: students of the1 course of Institute of preparation of investigative specialists for the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the legal higher educational institution in number of 83 girls and 94 boys took part in researches. Methods were used: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical test, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: it is fixed that one of the component of preparedness of a university graduate for the performance of his professional duties is the level of their health, physical and psychological preparedness. The research of an extent of the performance of one of tasks of the applied physical training of students is conducted – the development of the applied main physicality: general endurance and force. Following the results of the implementation of the running test of Cooper it was revealed that girls have a low degree of physical working capacity, boys – average. It is also defined that force of muscles of an abdominal tension and muscles of feet are poorly developed at students of both sexes. Force of muscles of an upper shoulder-girdle is developed rather good at boys, girls – haven't enough. Conclusions: researches showed that the process of classes on physical training of students – future investigative specialists of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is needed to be specialized according to the professiogramm of an investigator and to pay a special attention to the development of applied general and special qualities


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How to Cite

Коломійцева Ольга Едуардівна (Olga K. (2015). Features of the applied physical preparedness of the first-year students of a legal higher educational institution. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (1(45), 65–69. https://doi.org/10.15391/snsv.2015-1.012


