Improvement of the technique of technical and tactical training of taekwondists-juniors


  • (Vyacheslav Romanenko) Романенко Вячеслав Валерійович Харківська державна академія фізичної культури,
  • (Eduard Nekhtyalov) Нехтялов Едуард Андрійович Харківська державна академія фізичної культури,



technical and tactical training, technical and tactical connection, a complex of exercises, improvement, taekwondo


Purpose: to improve a technique of technical and tactical training of taekwondists-juniors. Material and methods: theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature, pedagogical supervision of educational and training classes and competitions, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics. Results: a complex of special exercises is developed for the increase of the level of technical and tactical preparedness of taekwondists-juniors, practical recommendations are prepared. Conclusions: features of the performance of the most demanded technical and tactical connections in a fight of taekwondists-juniors are defined, significant correlation interrelations between the levels of technical and tactical and special physical fitness are revealed, results of the mathematical analysis testifies that the offered innovations authentically (р<0,05) promote the improvement of the level of technical and tactical preparedness of taekwondists-juniors.


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How to Cite

Романенко Вячеслав Валерійович (Vyacheslav R., & Нехтялов Едуард Андрійович (Eduard N. (2015). Improvement of the technique of technical and tactical training of taekwondists-juniors. Slobozhanskyi Herald of Science and Sport, (3(47), 99–102.


