Changes of indicators of high-speed and high-speed and power preparedness at volleyball players of 12–13 years old
volleyball, high-speed and power abilities, exerciseAbstract
Shevchenko O.
Purpose: to define changes of indicators of high-speed and high-speed and power preparedness of volleyball players of 12–13 years old.
Material & Methods: the test exercises, which are recommended by the training program of CYSS on volleyball, were used for the definition of the level of development of high-speed and high-speed and power abilities of volleyball players. 25 young volleyball players from the group of the previous basic preparation took part in the experiment. Sports experience of sportsmen is 3–4 years. The analysis of scientifically-methodical literature, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics were carried out.
Results: the analyzed level of high-speed and high-speed and power abilities of volleyball players.
Conclusions: the results had reliable changes (t=2,2–2,4 at р<0,05) of the level of high-speed and high-speed and power abilities of volleyball players of 12–13years old in the experimental group at the end of the experiment, except run on 30 m that demonstrates a positive influence of application of special exercises in the educational-training process.
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