About the Journal

Focus and Scope

Aims of the Collection of research papers:

  • constantly supporting the development of the prospective field of science of psychology;
  • promoting active implementation of the results of psychological research in various fields of social and public life for both people and government institutions;
  • presenting modern concepts, theories, approaches, models, methods, postulates, technologies and psychology-related methodologies;
  • the support of permanent exchanging new psychological researches of domestic psychologists in order to establish firm academic contacts with foreign psychologists;
  • presentation of the results of joint psychological researched of Ukrainian and foreign scientists;
  • support and involving young psychologists-scientists into the study of best practices of famous scientists in order to implement applied aspects of psychological researches into practice.

Problematics of the Collection consists in the current problems of general psychology and history of psychology, the psychology of behavior and interpersonal relations, psychology of creativity and giftedness, psychology of developing learning and teaching, self-realization, psychology of work, organization and management, psychology of maintaining health and psycho-physiology, psychology of rehabilitation and adaptation, psychological assistance and counseling practice, cognitive psychology, psychology of relations, communication and psycholinguistics, ecological psychology and others.

The Collection of research papers presents results of analyzing research works on definite problematics, author’s social and psychological projects in different areas on psychology.

The Collection of research papers discloses the interconnection between psychology and psychosomatics, psychiatry, psychotherapy, psychorehabilitation, psycholinguistics, neurophysiology, psychophysiology, psychophysics, parapsychology, psychoprosodics etc.


Peer Review Process

Procedure of manuscripts review

Actually the process of the analysis of scientific articles is orientated on establishment of the level of their value, originality, actuality and scientific expediency for the advantages of the Collection, fitness of manuscript for a publication with taking into account the experience of leading scientific communities; on the increase of high quality of the printed matters, overcoming of prejudice and injustice at a rejection or acceptance of the articles. The order of criticizing the manuscripts determines the procedure of monitoring the manuscripts of scientific articles, presented by authors to the collection of scientific papers «Problems of Modern Psychology (farther is Collection), and standards of the articles, which determine quality of the published materials.

The aim of reviewing is standard-setting of authorial manuscripts quality.

The tasks of reviewing consist in verification of:

  • to check the general scientific level of the article, in particular research actuality, presence of problem in it, its meaningfulness for decision of the important scientific and practical tasks, correctness and expediency of methods application at the conducted researches, level of generalization at formulation of research conclusions and others like that;
  • to define the semantic filling and framework of the article;
  • to reveal the correctness of the use of professional (special) vocabulary and others like that.

The reviewing of the Collection’s articles is conducted confidentially on the principle of double-blind review: the authors are not revealed to the names of reviewers, the reviewers are not revealed to the names of authors. Co-operation of reviewers and authors is carried out only through the members of editorship. The unique registration code which provides the author’s anonymity at criticizing is appropriated to manuscripts, presented for a publication in the Collection.

The Editorial board nobody reveals the information which touches a manuscript (table of contents, process of criticizing, critical remarks of reviewers, final decision), except the members of editorial council of the Collection, the author and reviewers.

Reviews appear only to the members of editorial board of the Collection and the author. On inquire of the Author the Editorial Board informs about its decision to accept the article for publication. The decisions could be as following: 1) to recommend the article for publishing in the author’s variant, 2) to recommend for publishing after the correction, accepting the remarks and proposals of the reviewer, 3) necessary additional reviewing and appointment of other reviewer after correction of the article taking into consideration the remarks and proposals, which were done by the reviewer, 4) reject the article.

The Reviewer sends a conclusion to the Editorial Board of the Collection about the appropriateness or inappropriateness of the article publishing. The terms of viewing in every special case can be changed according to the conditions, creation of which is necessary for the optimal objective valuation of the manuscript. Positive reviews, which assure the possibility of publishing of the articles, are made public on the sittings of International Editorial Board.

Terms of reviewing of an article are from the day the article was got for reviewing and are from one until two months.


Open Access Policy

The Collection of research papers «Problems of Modern Psychology» adheres to open access policy. All papers are placed at the Collection website without limit in time and free of charge immediately after publication of the issue, as well as distributed through the system of national libraries, and kept there in hard copies. Full text access to papers of the Collection is provided in real time mode at the Collection official website, in Archives.


Authenticity and Plagiarism

The Collection of research papers «Problems of Modern Psychology» accepts for reviewing and publication only original manuscripts that have never been published before or submitted for publication to other scientific journals or issues.

In order to identify the textual borrowings in the submitted manuscripts the Editorial Board of the Collection uses of the following software:  Unicheck, Detector Plagiarist, Antiplagiat, eTXT. The manuscripts where plagiarism or text borrowings are found, without references to the source document, shall be rejected by the Editorial Board for further examination of reasons and circumstances of such borrowing.

Plagiarism before publication. The Editorial Board of the Collection of research papers analyzes every case of plagiarism in essence. If the Editors or Reviewers detect plagiarism or text borrowing at any stage before the publication of the manuscript, the Author(s) shall be warned of the need to ascertain 1) whether the detected case of plagiarism is actually the Author’s borrowing, or, on the contrary, 2) the said borrowing actually belongs to the Author as intellectual property but has been borrowed by another person and published, i.e. such material does not present a case of plagiarism for the paper in question. If the latter is not the case, the Author is suggested to rewrite the text or add references to their own source document. If plagiarism percentage is over 15%, such paper can be rejected without editorial review. The percentage of plagiarism in submitted manuscript is determined with the help of the specialized software and assessed by the Editorial Board.

Plagiarism after publicationIn case if plagiarism is detected after publication the research, the editorial board shall analyze such fact. The pages containing plagiarism will be highlighted in the PDF file. Depending on the scope of plagiarism, the document can be recalled or removed.

Recommendations for Authors on avoiding plagiarism:

  • Try not to change parts of a quotation within one sentence.
  • Always use quotation marks for words and phrases taken from a source document.
  • Try to use space and three dots for a part of the sentence you have taken out for quotation.
  • Always use brackets to show your own explanations, remarks you have added.
  • Try to paraphrase or generalize the material obtained from various sources by using synonymic means.
  • Refrain from the excessive use of quotations.


Ethic obligations of Authors

  1. The basic duty of an author consists in giving the exact description of the conducted research, and also objectively presents its scientific novelty and practical meaning.
  2. The authors of articles carry all responsibility for maintenance of the articles and their content.
  3. Every author is under an obligation to keep the publishing requirements of the Collection, while preparing the article.
  4. Primary report about the results of a research must be complete enough and contain necessary references to the accessible information generators, that specialists in this area were able to recreate this experiment.
  5. An author must necessarily quote those publications which carried out qualified influence on the essence of scientific problem, and also those of them, which can provide the operative acquaintance of a reader with previous works of scientists, important for understanding of this research. An author must minimize quoting of works, which do not have direct attitude toward maintenance of the article. An author is under the obligation to conduct a wide and thorough scientifically-literary search, to find and quote original publications, in which the researches, closely associated with his article, are described.
  6. An author should avoid fragmentation of reports about a research. A scientist who executes multivectorial researches of the system or group of the family systems must structure a publication in a way, that every fragment of description of the advanced study provides a fully complete report on every aspect of global analysis of a scientific problem.
  7. An author has no right to give manuscripts which describe the same results, more than in one journal as a primary publication, if it isn’t only the one, resubmitting of declined by Collection or the manuscript recalled by an author. It is possible to present the manuscript of the complete new article which extends the published previous manuscript of the same research having done before. However, at presentation of such manuscript it is necessary to inform an editor about the existence of the previous article which necessarily must be quoted by an author in this new manuscript.
  8. An author must clearly name all sources of quoted or given in the article information, except for well-known facts.
  9. The co-authors of the article must be only those persons who did a considerable scientific contribution to the given work and divide responsibility for the got results. An author who gives a manuscript to the publication takes the responsibility for including into the list of co-authors all those and only those persons who answer the requirements of authorship. In article, written by a few authors, the authors, who give pin information to the editorship carries out the correspondence with editors, undertakes responsibility for the consent of other authors of the article to its publication in the Collection.

Ethic obligations of Editors

1. All materials given for publication pass a careful selection and criticizing. Editorial board of the Сollection reserves a right to decline the article or return it on a revision.

2. An Editor must without prejudice examine all manuscripts, presented to the publication, estimating each according to the requirements, without regard to racial, confessional, national and political belonging, and also social position or job of author (-ors).

3. An editor must as quick as possible examine manuscripts, presented to the publication.

4. All responsibility for an acceptance or rejection of a manuscript to the publication lies exceptionally on an editor. The responsible and impartial going provides for near implementation of these duties, which an editor takes into account recommendation of a reviewer – specialist of corresponding scientific area – in relation to quality and authenticity of manuscript, given to the publication.

5. An editor and members of Editorial Board give no information to other persons, related to maintenance of manuscript which is on consideration, except persons which participate in professional estimation of the real article. After the positive decision of editor the article is published in Collection and placed on its webpage in language of original and necessarily English, and also passed on the corresponding electronic resources of library named after V. І. Vernadskyi and placed on the web sites of international scientifically-metrical bases Web of Science Core Collection.

6. The Editorship carries no responsibility before authors and/or third persons and organizations for a possible loss, caused by the publication of the article. The Editorial Board has a right to withdraw the already prepared to the publication article, if it will turn out that in the process of writing of the article somebody’s rights or generally accepted norms of scientific ethics were broken. About the fact of article exception the editorship informs the author, who submitted an article, and also a person who recommended, and organization, where the work was produced.

Ethic obligations of Reviewers

  1. A reviewer always must objectively estimate the quality of a manuscript, its experimental and theoretical parts, interpretation and exposition of the material, and also to take into account, how maintenance of the article answers the scientific and stylistic standards.
  2. A reviewer must always take into account a possibility of conflict of interests in the case when a manuscript is given to him close related to his current or published work. If there are doubts, a reviewer must at once turn a manuscript without a review, saying about the conflict of interests.
  3. A reviewer has no right to estimate a manuscript, when he has the personal or professional correlations with an author or the co-author, and if such relations can influence on judgment about the publication of manuscript.
  4. A reviewer must apply a manuscript which is the subject for criticizing, as a confidential document: not to show a manuscript to the other persons, not to discuss about it with other colleagues except special cases, when a reviewer requires somebody's special consultation.
  5. Reviewers must adequately explain and argue reasoning in relation to the article, for editors’ and authors’ understanding, their remarks are based on. Any statement that certain supervisions, conclusions, arguments and others like were already published, must be accompanied by a reference to the corresponding source.
  6. A reviewer must give a review in time.
  7. Reviewers have no authority to use or expose unpublished information, arguments or interpretations which are contained in this article, if there is not a consent of the author on it.

Principles of Editorial (Publishing) Activities

The collection of research papers «Problems of Modern Psychology» is a peer-reviewed international scientific psychological publication, the basic activity of which is publication of scientific articles with the aim of their distribution among scientists both in Ukraine and abroad.

The mission of the Collection of research papers is to provide members of the scientific community in psychology with equal opportunities to publish results of their research and freely distribute them.

The Editorial Board of the Collection follows the next transnational principles:

  • it follows the requirements of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), of Budapest Open Access Initiative(BOAI) and Berlin Declaration Open Access to Knowledge in the Sciences and Humanities;
  • constantly adheres to editorial independence;
  • always gives priority to the communication and discussions;
  • removes any conflicts of interests according to the worked out mechanism;
  • encourages and supports scientific honesty;
  • gives advantage to the intellectual standards and levels of materials, but not to the financial and political benefit and commercial reasoning;
  • constantly satisfies scientific necessities and interests of authors and readers;
  • systematically conducts work on the improvement of the Collection;
  • always guarantees the quality of materials which are published;
  • invariably provides anonymity in the system of mutual relations «Author vs. Reviewer (-ers)»;
  • informs the authors about the rules and requirements of publication;
  • always provides freedom of expression of authors’ opinions;
  • watches after the keeping intellectual ownership rights all the time;
  • always develops and improves recommendations and rules of criticizing of manuscripts;
  • constantly protects confidentiality of the individual data of recipients which participated in psychological longitudal and mass experiments;
  • develops the mechanisms of decision of conflict of interests;
  • publishes a correction, clarification, refutation and apology operatively, when it is necessary;
  • always foresees the possibility of realization of appeal.

Functions of International Scientific and Editorial Board:

  1. Consultative (providing when it is necessary special consultations by the Editorial members and Reviewers on some new, less studied and discursive problematic aspects of psychology).
  2. Pragmatic (constantly contribution to the Collection developing and realization of international scientific cooperation, searching for new forms and methods of the Collection functioning).
  3. Expert (providing articles reviewing, expertise (in cases needed) of reviews and reviewed articles, specialized evaluation of the Collection quality, appropriateness and compositioning of articles in it).
  4. Advisory (participation in the Collection composing, making decisions on articles published, influence on decision making process etc).

Cooperation with Authors

In the cooperation with Аuthors the editorial board of the Collection follows such rules:

  • constantly assists providing the quality of materials presented for publication;
  • always monitor the compliance with the mechanisms of criticizing of articles, as well as refutation or abolition of decisions, accepted by the editorial board;
  • always informs the author of manuscript about the acceptance of the article to publishing, necessity of its revision, or rejection;
  • gives the argued description of expert estimation of the article presented to printing.

Cooperation with Reviewers

The cooperation with Reviewers is based on the next principles:

  • the Editorial Board always presents to the reviewers the instruction and recommendations on the reviewing of manuscripts;
  • always provides reviewers with the system of verification of degree of originality of the article;
  • provides the confidentiality of reviewers;
  • always gives a possibility (right) to a reviewer to give up criticizing without explanation of reasons of refuse (except the set conflict of interests);
  • always examines reviewing as an inalienable part of evaluation of scientific publication, which confirms high quality of the scientific articles.

Reviewing provides the work with those reviewers – experts of the Collection, which are the acknowledged specialists in the corresponding to the article sphere of knowledge. For this purpose, the editorial board, except members of the editorial board, cooperates with the wide circle of researchers from different countries of the world. The article is accepted to publishing only after its discussion on meeting of editorial board of the Collection at presence of positive review of a reviewer and the support of members of editorial board.

The prepared publication is approved by the resolutions of the Scientific Boards of G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine and Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University.

Cooperation with Readers

  • Any reader or potential author has the opportunity to appeal to the members of editorial board after elucidation of incomprehensible professional questions on the subject, mailing the letter to the publishing house of kpnu_lab_ps@ukr.net;
  • constantly gives the readers the materials formed in semantic and stylistic aspects;
  • always satisfies the requirements of readers in materials of both fundamental and applied character, both in theoretical and in the experimental-applied survey;
  • always guarantee and provides the real expectation of readers in relation to currency, actuality, originality of published materials, their readability and clearness.

Ethic Standards

The Editorial Board of the Collection of research papers always keeps the modern progressive level of requirements in relation to a selection and publication of the scientific articles. These standards are determined by the norms of the quality of research papers, branch type of Collection, and also scientific directions, accepted in the domestic and world scientific community.

While developing the principles of publishing policy, the Editorial Board of the Collection followed the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and also by the experience of Ukrainian and foreign professional communities, scientific organizations, and others during the development of positions of publishing policy.

The basic ethic requirements to the scientific publications are the norm of behavior and professional duties of members of editorial board of the Collection concerning each other, and to public, and also to the right of every author/authors on intellectual property. All persons involved into the publishing process (editors, authors and reviewers) are oriented on principles of ethics in scientific publications. All the manuscripts submitted to publication are examined without prejudice by the Editorial Board and reviewers of the Collection, without regard to racial, confessional, national, gender, political allegiance, and also social position or job of an author/authors.

Adhering to Code positions, the Editorial Board of the Collection gives the set of ethic norms and rules, which persons which participate in preparation of publication of results of scientific researches (editors, authors and reviewers) must follow.

The Editorial Board considers that ethic norms and rules, realized, approved and accepted by the most of skilled researchers, render a substantial help to the students, postgraduate students and young researchers to capture the ethic rules of scientific cooperation, in the improvement of research activity, and helps leading scientists to approve possibility once again to go back to questions which have a large ethic value for scientific practice.

Journal History

The Collection of research papers «Problems of Modern Psychology»of Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University and G.S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Educational Sciences of Ukraine is included in the List of Scientific Journals of Ukraine, «B» Category, for the Psychological Branch of Sciences – 053 (Decree of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No.1643 dated 28.12.2019)

All the articles in the collection of research papers "Problems of modern psychology" receive DOI and are registered in the CrossRef system since 2018.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246

Focus (basic principles) and Scope: the development and propagation of scientific knowledge on a free basis. The publication is founded on a charitable purpose and is intended for free distribution.

The Decision No. 132 dated January 18, 2024 of the National Council of Television and Radio Broadcasting of Ukraine

Media ID R30-02179

Certificate of state registration: КВ № 19651-9451 ПР of 30.01.2013.

ISSN 2227-6246 (Print)

ISSN  2663-6956 (Online)

Frequency: semiannual

Manuscript Languages: Ukrainian, English