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Author Guidelines

Guidelines for Article Designing

The articles are accepted to the publication written only in English (the author submits the article in two languages: in English and Ukrainian)

The number of articles in each Issue is limited (10-20 articles).

The authors should clearly comply with the guidelines for designing articles submitted to the collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology”

All the articles are peer-reviewed in a double “blind” way.

The articles that do not meet the requirements of the publication are rejected and sent for revision to the author. Only 2 co-authors are allowed.

If the reviewers have some comments to the article, the author makes corrections.

Only after two positive “blind” reviews the article is accepted for publication and the publication is paid for.

The articles of senior students are accepted only in co-authorship with the lecturer (2 co-authors: lecturer and student).

All the articles of the Collection of research papers “Problems of modern psychology” receive DOI and are registered in the CrossRef system since 2018.

All the articles are peer-reviewed in a double “blind” way.

The structure of the article:

The article includes the following components (centered):

  • Introduction(the relevance of the research is revealed, a definition of the problem and analysis of the previous studies and publications are carried out, the aim is stated).
  • Tasks of the article.
  • Methods and techniques of the research(theoretical and methodological procedure and / or experimental research is highlighted).
  • Results and discussions (basic material in the way to understand the essence of theoretical and / or empirical research is set out; discussions concerning the highlighted problems).
  • Conclusions(summarizing of the results is carried out, recommendations for further research are provided).

The volume of the article (without summaries, tables, diagrams, pictures and literature) must comprise at least 0,5 published sheets/12 pages.

The total scope of the article should not exceed 25 pages.

Technical requirements for article formatting:

Margins: bottom, top – 2 cm; right – 1.5 cm; left – 3 cm.

Editor: MS Word. 

Headset: Times New Roman, pins (size) 14, spacing – 1,5.

The text is typed without divisions.

The article is submitted according the following structure:

The left side:

  • UDC code;
  • Title of the article (in English);
  • Title of the article (in Ukrainian);
  • Author’s name, surname (in English);
  • Academic degree, academic title (in English);
  • Author’s name, surname (in Ukrainian);
  • Academic degree, academic title, E-mail, ORCID, Researcher ID (in Ukrainian);
  • Place of work, postal address of the institution (in English); 
  • Place of work, postal address of the institution (in Ukrainian);
  • The author’s contribution of each of the authors in per cents: Ivanenko A.P. – 50%, Hrechko I.M. – 50%;
  • Abstract in English (1800 signs without gaps (240-260 words);
  • Key words in English (5-10 words/word combinations);

Text of the article (in width);

Literature (centered) (preferably current literature sources, English literature and sources from the journals included into Web of Science, Scopus);

References (centered) (designed according to the APA standard);

  • Author’s name, surname and title of the article in Ukrainian;
  • abstract in Ukrainian (1800 signs without gaps (240-260 words);
  • Key words in Ukrainian;



UDC 159.923


Title of the article in English Problems of modern psychology

Title of the article in Ukrainian Проблеми сучасної психології


Ivanenko Ivanna

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


Іваненко Іванна

кандидат психологічних наук, доцент


Researcher ID: F-9093-2018

Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiіenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.

61, Ohiienka street, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Khmelnytskyi region, 32300


Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, м. Кам’янець-Подільський, Україна.

вул. Огієнка 61, Кам’янець-Подільський Хмельницька обл. 32300


The author’s contribution: Ivanenko A.P. – 50%, Hrechko I.M. – 50%.


ABSTRACT in English (1800 signs without gaps (230-260 words)

Key words:  (in English 5-8 words)


Text of the article:


The aim of the article

The tasks of the article

The methods and techniques of the research

Results and discussions of the research


Literature sources

(centered; preferably current literature sources, English literature and sources from the journals included into Web of Science, Scopus)

Sample of literature designing according to ДСТУ 8302:2015 is added (in a detached file)



(designed according to the standard APA)

(Samples are added in a detached file “APA Transliteration”)


The author’s name and surname. TITLE OF THE ARTICLE in Ukrainian.

Abstract in Ukrainian

Key words:

The structure of English, Ukrainian abstracts should necessarily contain the following components (in bold type):

мета The aim of the article;

методи methods;

результати дослідження The results of the research;

Висновок Conclusion:

Ключові слова: Key words:  

Citation and internal text references to the source should be designed according to the APA style, for example (Smith, 2008); if the page of source is indicated, it is fed through the colon, for example (Smith, 2008: 125).

The sentences of abstracts in three languages ​​are presented in the form of conclusions structured accordingly: It is analyzed…. The aim is… To determine … a complex of… methods…was used… 244 students … participated in the experiment… It is researched… It is studied… It is found out…. It is showed ... It is proved ... It is concluded ... and others.

No more than two or three co-authors are allowed. One should indicate the author’s contribution of each of the co-authors (if more than 1 author in the article) – 1) author’s contribution: Коvalenko О.В. – 50%, Martyniuk O.S. – 50%; or 2) author’s contribution: Hryhorchuk I.P. – 40%, Koval Z.S. – 30%, Pasichnyk M.M. – 30%.


  • The representation of the analysis results of contemporary researches published in Ukrainian scientific journals and collections of research papers on psycholog
  • The representation of the analysis results of current researches published in foreign scientific journals and collections of research papers on psychology, which are included in the database of Web of Sciense, Scopus.
  • The presence of the analysis results on Ukrainian classical and contemporary researches published in monographic and dissertation publications on psychology.
  • The presence of the results of personal significant empirical research.
  • The accordance of the conclusions to the purpose and objectives of the study, their validity and persuasiveness.

The authors without a scientific degree MUST submit the review of the article written by a scientific supervisor (Dr. / Ph.D.). But before that, let your scientific supervisor know the requirements for publication!

The e-mail address the abstracts and articles should be sent to is

The cost of the publication is 80 UAH per 1 page and + the equivalent of $ 1 in UAH for assigning DOI to your article.

The payment for the publication will be made after you receive an e-mail response about the positive review and acceptance of your article for the publication in the issue.

The information about the authors (in Ukrainian and English) should be given at the end of the article:

Іванчук Віктор Петрович, кандидат психологічних наук, доцент кафедри загальної та практичної психології, Кам’янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка, м. Кам’янець-Подільський, Україна.

Ivanchuk Viktor Petrovych, Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor of the Department of General and Practical Psychology, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiienko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi, Ukraine.

To obtain a copy of the collection the author of the article should note: surname, name, middle name, city, telephone number, e-mail address for communication; the number of the Nova Poshta office and its address to which the copy of the collection will be sent. The recipient (the author) pays for the delivery of the collection.

SAMPLE: Ivanenko Ivanna Petrivna, Kyiv, 098 355 88 32, Nova Poshta №34 (22, Kulyka Street). Email:

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The policy of confidentiality, privacy and consent to personal data processing

Authors and Reviewers

The Authors entrust the Editorial Board with the results of their research and creative efforts which can determine their reputation and career, submitted manuscripts are reviewed according to the requirementwith due respect to confidentiality of the Authors. The Reviewers ensure the Authors’ rights as regards to non-infringement of confidentiality in case of disclosing personal and scientific data in the course of reviewing manuscripts. The Reviewers also have the right to confidentiality which is supported by the Editor. Confidentiality compromise is allowed in case of dishonesty or fraud on the part of the Author.

One mustn’t disclose any information regarding the manuscripts (including their receipt, contents, review status, criticism of the Reviewers or final status) to persons other than the Author and Reviewers. This provision includes requests to use materials for legitimate professional and scientific actions. The Editorial Board emphasizes constantly to the Reviewers that the manuscripts submitted for expert examination are privileged and private property of the Authors. Hence the Reviewers and Members of the Editorial Board are respectful to the Authors’ rights, abstain from public discussion of their works and avoid seizing the Authors’ ideas to their own manuscripts. The Reviewers are not allowed to make copies of the manuscripts to their own files or give the manuscripts to third parties, except for cases when the Editor’s permission to do so is available. The Reviewers are obliged to return or destroy copies of the manuscripts after submitting their expert opinions. The Editorial Board does not keep copies of rejected manuscripts.