Professional Marginality of Graduates of Higher Education Institutions




higher education institution, students of senior courses, professional identity, professional marginality, professional demand.


he article is devoted to the problem of forming positive professional identity
of future specialists. It is stated, that part of senior courses students of
higher education institutions does not connect their professional future with
the specialty they are getting, but still they remain among students, realizing
their non-educational and non-professional goals. It is studied out, that such
a person’s condition acquired the notion of professional marginality. The aim
of the investigation is to analyze the influence of professional demand for
graduates on the display of identity/marginality. The status of the problem
was analyzed, the definitions of «professional marginality» and «professional
demand» were formulated, their components were concretized, the results
of empirical investigation were provided. It was stated that professional
was a display or a form of identity disorder (impossibility of active
search and choice, launch of identification, cognitive and affective alteration)
and the disorder of identity dynamics, i.e. of the processes of distinguishing
between roles and rules, corresponding to identity.
The diagnostics of professional identity/marginality implied evaluating
the following components: person’s competency within the profession, his/
her idea about him/herself as a professional, attitude to the profession’s role
in the society. 318 students of senior courses took part in the empirical investigation.
The differences between the groups of «professionally identical»
and «professionally marginal» students were stated according to professional
demand parameters, namely the satisfaction with the degree of professional
potential realization; the belonging to the professional community; the experience
of professional demand; self-attitude as a competent and authoritative
professional; evaluation of professional activity results; perception of others’
attitude towards him/her as an authoritative professional.

Author Biographies

Олена Блинова, Kherson State University, Kherson

Dr. in Psychology, Professor

Світлана Камінська, Kherson Regional Psychiatric Hospital, Kherson

Ph.D. in Psychology


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How to Cite

Блинова, О., & Камінська, С. (2019). Professional Marginality of Graduates of Higher Education Institutions. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (43), 33–54.