Event Meaning of Vital Way of Personality





vital way, event, causometry, personality.


In the article modern researches on the problems of vital way of personality
are considered by domestic scientists. The concept of «event» is proved. It is
noted that among the determinations of events there is not a single «classic»
one in a kind complication of fixing essence of this phenomenon. The material
points of event are formulated: 1) an event is always a certain change;
2) an event is actual, real, it takes place in set time and space, it has limits. It
is always a certain chronotop; 3) an event is caused by a personality’s metaposition;
4) an event and sense is correlated; 5) an event is multidiamentional;
6) an event is potentially dialogic; 7) an event is always the original «indicator
» of vital meaningfulness, personality values and senses.
In order to research the features of event meaning of vital way of personality
the method of «Causometry» is used. It is described, that unlike the
traditional biographic methods, directed only on retrospective description of
events which took place in life, the purpose of this technique consists in diagnostics
of integral subjective picture of vital way, comprising past and future,
expected and planned events. The experience of causometry application in
psychotherapy, counseling practice, judicial and psychological expertise, in the
decision of lists of tasks on clinical, legal psychology, psychology of personality
and vital way, testifies to its positive potential.
271 respondent took part in the research (among them – 99 students
of speciality «Primary education», 87 teachers of primary classes at the age
of 35–40 years and 85 teachers – at the age of 55–60 years old of Chernivtsi
and Chernivtsi region). The questioning was conducted on the base of Yuriy
Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University and the Institute of postgraduate
pedagogical education of Chernivtsi region. It is revealed that according to
the general distribution of three major events of life of respondents on vital
spheres there are: at students – «work / studies» (39.4%), «family and everyday
life» (37.37%), «values» (19.53%); at teachers at the age of 35–40 years –
«family and everyday life» (66.67%), «work / studies» (24.53%), with a big
break «values» (6.92%); at teachers at the age of 55–60 years – the events of
two spheres – «family and everyday life» (69.84%), «work / studies» (26.98%).
In the distribution of three the least important events of life by vital spheres
among students prevail «work / studies» (52.86%), «values» (17.85%), «family
and everyday life» (17.51%); among middle-aged teachers – «work / studies»
(58.49%), «family and everyday life» (20.13%), «values» (10.06%); among
representatives of pre-pension age – «work / studies» (46.03%), «family and
everyday life» (38.1%).

Author Biography

Інеса Гуляс, Chernivetskyi National Yurii Fedkovych University, Chernivtsi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Гуляс, І. (2019). Event Meaning of Vital Way of Personality. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (43), 81–103. https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246.2019-43.81-103