The Specifics of the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Efficacy Evaluation of Representatives of «Person – Technics» Group of Professions




«person – technics» group of professions, efficacy, efficacy evaluation, job satisfaction.


The paper deals with the study of the factors related to efficacy of technical
professionals. Theoretical analysis brings up job satisfaction and job involvement
as such influential determinants.
According to the hypothesis of the empirical research, there is a relationship
between the efficacy and the job satisfaction. The sample included 40 gas
equipment fitters and 4 their direct managers. The hypothesis was verified
using Job Satisfaction Survey by R. Spector, Job Involvement Questionnaire
by R. N. Kanungo, and the questionnaire for employee efficiency assessment
by M. A. Shevchenko. We chose double-assessment of fitters' efficacy when
both employees and their managers evaluated how efficient an employee was
as this helped to eliminate the factor of subjectiveness. Unfortunately, there
is still no assessment form measuring the efficacy of gas equipment fitters
The quasi-experiment was chosen as a research plan. The methods of
processing the empirical data included descriptive statistics, ρ-Spearman correlational
analysis, and φ* Fischer test.
The results showed that efficacy evaluation are related to the level of
job satisfaction and job involvement. There are meaningful correlations of
efficacy evaluation with salary satisfaction, promotion satisfaction, additional
concessions satisfaction, rewards satisfaction, and the character of work satisfaction.
There are no correlations of efficacy evaluation with job conditions
satisfaction, relations with colleagues satisfaction, and awareness satisfaction.
Employees with higher levels of efficacy evaluation are also typical of
higher job satisfaction and involvement. The practical application of the research
lies in its potential value for personnel managers and HR-departments
in selecting employees relevant for such a group of professions as well as motivating
those who work for being more satisfied and thus efficient.

Author Biographies

Світлана Моцна, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University


Оксана Байєр, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Ph. D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Моцна, С., & Байєр, О. (2019). The Specifics of the Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Efficacy Evaluation of Representatives of «Person – Technics» Group of Professions. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (43), 167–186.