Intersubject Interaction in Small Social Groups




intersubject co-operation, sense, activity, personality, intercourse, group.


The article proves that intersubject interaction is an important part of human
psychical life, related to personal communications, actions for the good of
others and internal growth. Cultural and historical psychology of L. S. Vygotsky
is presented as methodological basis for intersubjectness research in
the article. It is revealed that intersubjectness has strong correlations with
semantic sphere of a personality.
The connection of intersubjectness with social and psychological features
of a group (group belonging, psychological atmosphere) was studied with the
use of questionnaires. Quite strong cross-correlations were found between
studied variables (intersubjectness and social and psychological features
of a group). The revealed empirical regularities and cross-correlations indirectly
testify in behalf on that «The Questionnaire of Intersubjectness» (by
M. M. Nakonechna) is a reliable and valid psycho-diagnostic instrument. In the
process of experimental research with the modified methodology of psychical
satiation it was proved that a situation of intersubject co-operation largely
influenced on the origin of positive experiencing during monotonous activities.
Four-stages experimental research was analyzed in order to carry out answers
for the following research questions: 1) Does the sense incorporation make
any changes to the process of monotonous activities? 2) How does intersubject
co-operation influence on an activity causing psychical satiation? 3) In
what way will the sense of co-operating with others, sense of professional perfection,
sense of work etc. influence on activities of monotonous crosses drawing?
It is proved that a situation of intersubject co-operation is perceived by
participants in a totally different way than a situation of individual, monosubject
activities. It is found that experiencing during intersubject co-operation
was characterized by a positive emotional background. The hypothesis on new
senses restructurize monotonous activity was confirmed.

Author Biography

Марія Наконечна, National Pedagogical Dragomanov University, Kyiv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Наконечна, М. (2019). Intersubject Interaction in Small Social Groups. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (43), 187–205.