The Scientific Views about Understanding the Child




understanding, stages of understanding, types of understanding of the child’s personality by preschool teacher, subjective factors of understanding.


The article considers the scientific-psychological approaches of the concept
of «understanding»: psychological hermeneutics, cognitive, logical semantic,
psychosemantic, psycholinguistic, subjective, and communicative. It was
proved that the interpretation of understanding as a process of reveal the
meaning and content of a particular phenomenon was common for the beforementioned
approaches. That is accompanied with a person’s confidence in the
accuracy of own conclusions and due to the action of a number of factors that
affect the adequacy, completeness and depth of the information received.
The preschool teacher’s understanding of a child’s personality is considered
in three directions: as a goal, as a process, as a result. These directions are interdependent.
It is emphasized the complexity of understanding as a process,
caused by the influence of a number of objective and subjective factors.
The authors of the article consider the types of understanding of the individual
characteristics of the child by the preschool teacher. It is proved that the optimal
interaction between the educator and the children is the position of the
understanding-dialogue, in which the adult not only treats the child as a kind
of complex individual characteristics with a rich inner world, but also gives the
feedback. This creates trust and support, and facilitates to reveal the capacity
of the child.
It was described a lot of subjective factors influencing the understanding
of the child’s personality by the preschool teacher. Some of the subjective factors
are established to influence the process of understanding both positively
and negatively.
The results having been received in this research proved that the subjectsubject
type of understanding is the best for pedagogical activity. This type of
understanding provides that the preschool teacher seeks to reveal adequately
the individual characteristics of the child, admits her or his uniqueness, supports
in every possible way the efforts aimed at her or his self-affirmation,
self-realization, self-expression and self-development.

Author Biographies

Наталя Цибуляк, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor

Ганна Лопатіна, Berdiansk State Pedagogical University, Berdiansk

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Цибуляк, Н., & Лопатіна, Г. (2019). The Scientific Views about Understanding the Child. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (43), 224–245.