The Nature of Hubristic Motivation and Development of Hubristic Syndrome through the Prism of Conflict




hubristic motivation, hubristic qualities, conflict, homeostasis, hubris syndrome, narcissistic disorder


The article shows the theoretical research of the nature of the hubristic motivation as a component of personality and theoretical investigation of the possibility of its implementation through the prism of conflict. The problem is relevant in the context of human interaction and communication, because hubristic traits such as cynicism, selfshness, ambition or cunning, form a vital part of any personality and despite the stereotypes the ignoring them is impossible. Sometimes it is even harmful to humans because it causes internal conflict and leads to increased psychological stress. The article analyzes the current views on hubristic desire and their influence on self-perception. The theoretical approach carried out the review of the problem of conflict and development of personality. The features of manifestation of negative features of character and formation of a hubristic syndrome as a destructor of interpersonal interaction and adequate perception of the world are described, a comparative analysis with a narcissistic syndrome and erosion of the power are carried out. In the article there have been given the main symptoms of the hubristic syndrome, variations of its manifestation and ways of its prevention. The article shows the nature of psychological homeostasis and its manifestation in people with an expressed desire for power and a desire for self-development. The advantages of reducing the tension by getting a person into a conflict, including provoking it consciously or unconsciously, as well as the danger posed to the person by hidden negative aspects of the character are considered in the theoretical research. In the article the examples of manifestations of hubristic desires in social interaction, including childhood are given. The article shows the connection between the desire of getting the power and the desire of self-realization with the tendency of a person to enter into conflict. Also the importance to argue for the sake of preventing the growth of frustration through unrealized hubristic motivation is described. The theoretical review proves the need for further study of this problem at the practical level, since in the modern world the character traits are still considered as a negative phenomenon that must be controlled and suppressed.

Author Biography

Катерина Брагіна, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk

Postgraduate Student in Psychology Department


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How to Cite

Брагіна, К. (2019). The Nature of Hubristic Motivation and Development of Hubristic Syndrome through the Prism of Conflict. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (44), 11–30.