The Conceptual Paradigms of the Psychological System of M. I. Demkov




education, harmonious development, determination, personality, psychological system, factors.


The article presents the research on the conceptual paradigms of the psychological system proposed by M. I. Demkov. The psychological system proposed by M. I. Demkov in the context of conceptual paradigms of personal harmonious development and «spirit of learning» in the educational space are analysed theoretically and methodologically. The concept of personal harmonious development proposed by M. I. Demkov is reconstructed in the article. The scientist’s conceptual vision of harmonious development and its architectonics is revealed. Harmonious development is understood as «strictly proportional formation of mind together with education of feelings and will». The article focuses on M. I. Demkov’s vision of education as a factor for a child’s harmonious development. The article states that M. I. Demkov, within child psychology, presented a voluminous paletet of ontogenetic development; and within educational psychology, he organically revealed the essential characteristics of children’s learning, as well as described formation of a personality during learning. Prevention of the harmonious development destruction and one-side personal development are also discussed. The stylistic characteristics of a teacher’s work in the system of «teacher-pupil» interactions, aimed at development of facilitative interactions, are determined. The article emphasizes that M. I. Demkov defended the postulate of internal determination of educational activities.The article also describes M. I. Demkov’s vision of «the spirit of learning» as an organic unity of personal and social determination. The influence of the mega-system – society in general, – as well as the macro-system – school – was revealed by him. According to M. I. Demkov, the core, dominant factor of «the spirit of learning» in a teacher’s personality is unification of his / her high morality and his/her good education. M. I. Demkov introduced the concepts of «moral and educational element», «moral education» that characterize educational activities. The scientist outlined a reference image of a teacher. The article singles out the semantic, meaning-making quintessence of M. I. Demkov’s approach to «the spirit of learning». The «spirit of learning» concept has been extrapolated onto the modern educational space.

Author Biography

Марія Дригус, G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAPS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Researcher of the Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality


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How to Cite

Дригус, М. (2019). The Conceptual Paradigms of the Psychological System of M. I. Demkov. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (44), 72–97.