Self-actualization as a Factor of the Development of Students-Philologists’ Readiness to Provide Professional Activities




professional development, culturological approach, personal and professional position of the person, professional competence, translation consciousness, self-evaluation of the professional activity.


In this article the professional development of future translators is considered from the standpoint of the cultural approach. So, it is a process of forming the person’s personal and professional position of the individual, taking into account the diversity of subjective and objective factors, which involve the implementation of strategies for managing the personal resources which are necessary for professional activities on the professional level. It was noted that the professional development of the future interpreter also involved the formation of personally signi0xFB01cant position, which was understood by us as a system of dominant values-semantic attitudes of a specialist to the socio-cultural environment, of himself/herself and his / her activities. According to the criteria of the professional development of future translators we mean a high level of readiness of students to perform translation activities, a high level of professional competence and translation consciousness. Focusing on the answers of the most of the teachers, in the article we concluded that students of all higher educational establishments of foreign philology faculties had opportunities for becoming ready for professional activities, as well as these all teachers were ready to create an atmosphere that was individual for each student at classes. Thus, three groups of teachers were distinguished for self-evaluation of their own activities according to their desire to create a creative atmosphere in the classroom. These are teachers with high self-esteem of their own professional activity, situational (average) and low self-esteem. It was noted that the representatives of the first group try to stimulate the self-actualization of the
students as much as possible, their readiness for independent performance of the translation activity (such answers as «I try to stimulate the initiative of students», «there is always a desire to work in the atmosphere of freedom be-cause of professional activity», «all my tasks in a great degree were involved into analytical and creative work that must be performed in their professional activity»). Representatives of the second group (with situational self-esteem) seek to stimulate students only according to the opportunities and extraordinary perseverance of the students (for example: «I encourage students to work independently, but they do not want to work individually in this group» or «the content of discipline, which I am teaching, is extremely di0xFB03cult, therefore students simply can not work independently»). The third group included teachers with a low self-esteem of their own professional activities. The answers were typical for them: «There is not enough time for individualization of studies», «the course does not involve performing independent creative tasks», «students are not able to do this», «in the curriculums independent work occupies a separate place, the hours are not included into curriculums».

Author Biographies

Ернест Івашкевич, Rivne State University of the Humanities, Rivne

Ph.D. in Psychology, Lecturer of the Department of English Practice, Translator

Руслан Сімко, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiіenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Івашкевич, Е., & Сімко, Р. (2019). Self-actualization as a Factor of the Development of Students-Philologists’ Readiness to Provide Professional Activities. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (44), 120–141.