Theoretical Analysis of Philosophical and Psychological Bases of Busido Moral Principles




philosophical and psychological basis, moral code, masters of oriental struggle, samurai, personality, buddhism, shintoism, confucianism, busido, training program, kyokushinkai karate


The article deals with the formation of the philosophical and psychological basis of the moral code of masters of the oriental struggle. The constructivism of the religious and philosophical thought of Buddhism and Shintoism in this process is emphasized. The term of «busido» is analysed in lexical-semantic, artistic-figurative and constructive planes. The «warrior’s path» is the key conception of the phenomenon of samurai, the core of life and life-creation, the essence and meaning of a personality’s being, the basic model and the cultural core of the masters in oriental martial arts and samurai. Busido – «warrior’s path» – the samurai code is a set of rules, recommendations and norms of the behavior of a true warrior in battle and everyday life, military philosophy, known from the ancient times. The Samurai Code of Honor proved its ability to educate true warriors, fearless defenders of the native land, brave and courageous, whom the country has been proud of for centuries. The Code has contributed to the formation of the socio-political, moral, psychological, strategic and tactical and technical potential of samurai warriors. The typology of individuals is shown: searchers of death, players with death, who deliberately neglected mortal danger. Life laid on the altar of freedom of the Motherland is the holy fate of the warrior. The existence of life in a vast existential space reveals a universal opportunity for the creation of good deeds and love to a man. The victory of this eternal and boundless world emerges on the verge of life and death. The results of research of moral qualities in sport activities of karatists in kyokushinkai style of Donetsk region are presented. The training program of karatist’s moral qualities optimization is conducted, which includes: mastering of relaxation methods, self-development of consciousness, forming of moral qualities. The program provides the creation of the special social environment, realization of methods, stimulation of psychological mechanisms of sportsmen’s moral qualities development.

Author Biographies

Ольга Осика, Department of Applied Psychology, State Higher Educational Institution «Donbas State Pedagogical University»

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor

Костянтин Осика, Donetsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education

Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Lecturer


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How to Cite

Осика, О., & Осика, К. (2019). Theoretical Analysis of Philosophical and Psychological Bases of Busido Moral Principles. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (44), 187–211.