The Spiritual Crisis of a Personality as a Sign of the Information Society




spiritual crisis, spirituality, existential values, meaning of life, spiritual development


The article deals with the theoretical analysis of the interpretation of the spiritual crisis phenomenon in psychology and the empirical investigation of the peculiarities of spiritual crisis manifestation in adolescence. It is stated that it is worth talking about the availability of experiencing spiritual crisis by an individual, when he or she realizes, that moral values are lost, and spirituality gave way to material benefit. It is noted that the spiritual crisis, which in the technocratic informational era is partly experiencing by all humanity, is experiencing the situation of impossibility of realizing personal spiritual values in relationships with other people and the world, and because of their non-compliance to the societal or universal values, as well as the levelling of their significance for the person itself or the loss of the moral marks. In the conducted pilot study, according to the purpose of the article, the sample was comprised of students of Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, future psychologists (n = 30), average age of the respondents – 20 years. The following methods were used: «Diagnostics of a Spiritual Crisis», the test of hardiness of S. Maddi, the scale of tolerance / intolerance to ambiguity of S. Badner, the scale of «Psychological sapience» of H. Conte. It is revealed that the tendency to experience the spiritual crisis and increase of the intensity of existential vacuum are found by the students with not enough developed hardiness and its components (in particular, involving and challenge), who lack the tolerance in communicating with other people and the psychological wisdom in perceiving their own inner world, in the awareness of feelings and openness to their sensual experience. It is concluded that those scientists, who consider the experiencing of a spiritual crisis as a positive moment of human life, say about the spiritual development and self-disclosure of a personality as its result, while scientists, who perceive the spiritual crisis as a failure, a break in the life path, analyze its negative consequences and look for ways to overcome them.

Author Biographies

Галина Чуйко, Yuryi Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, Chernivtsi

Ph.D. in Philology, Assistant Professor

Олександр Гудима, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiіenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology,  Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Чуйко, Г., & Гудима, О. (2019). The Spiritual Crisis of a Personality as a Sign of the Information Society. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (44), 322–345.