Clinical and Psychological Aspects of the Bereavement and Diagnostic of Complicated Grief




bereavement, the process of grieving, complicated grief, depression, PTSD.


The actual studies of scienti0xFB01c and psychological approaches to the concept of
experiencing bereavement and complicated grief are considered in the article.
It is emphasized that the optimal trajectory of recovery afetr the death of a
signi0xFB01cant person consists in the successful resolution of nonlinear «tasks»,
caused by the loss, and passes with minor functional impairments, involves ef-
fective coping strategies and activities that allow a healthy way of expres sing
emotions, remembering the deceased and overcome current life problems.
The information on clinical and psychological features and diagnostic
signs of complicated grief are generalized. It is proved that the core of the
complicated grief is a complex of symptoms of intense and persistent sepa-

ration distress, which does not lead to the elaboration of the experience of
loss, but is replaced by stereotyped, repeated thinking strategies and beha­
vior strategies, which increase psychosocial disturbances. The diagnostic cri-
teria for the di0exFB00rence between healthy and pathological (complicated) grief,
covering the intensity, duration, and complexity of symptoms are identi0xFB01ed.
The relevance and complexity of the di0exFB00rential diagnosis of complicated grief
among other bereavement­related mental health disorders are emphasized.
It is noted that due to the communion of a clinical picture with a major de-
pressive disorder and post­traumatic stress disorder, people with complicated
grief remain inadequately diagnosed or misdiagnosed, and that leads to the
using of treatment as usual that partly reduces comorbid symptoms without
a0exFB00cting the complicated grief symptoms. The di0exFB00rences between compli-
cated grief, major depressive disorder, and post­traumatic stress disorder are
generalized, which may be useful for di0exFB00rential diagnosis by mental health
The author concluded that there is a need to develop educational and
training programs directed at increasing professional knowledge and com-
petencies in diagnostics and di0exFB00rential diagnostics of complicated grief and
adaptation of screening methods for assessing complicated grief in Ukraine.

Author Biography

Олександр Аврамчук, Clinical Psychology Department, Ukrainian Catholic University, Lviv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Аврамчук, О. (2019). Clinical and Psychological Aspects of the Bereavement and Diagnostic of Complicated Grief. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 11–39.