Psychological Features of the Professional Communicative Activity of the Pharmaceutical Worker




communication, communicative activities of future pharmacists, competence, professional competence, professional communicative competence of pharmacists, communicative tolerance, a0xFB03liation, non­verbal language of communication.


The research paper presents the results of the analysis of scienti0xFB01c sources on
theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of the range of problems. The
essence and speci0xFB01cs of professional communicative activities of pharmacists
are determined, their professional communicative qualities and abilities, as
well as psychological characteristics of a person, which form the communica-
tive competence of the pharmacist are described. Theoretical and experimen-
tal approaches to the determination of the problem have been clari0xFB01ed. It is
emphasized that the communicative competence of a pharmacist is a profes-
sionally signi0xFB01cant quality, since his professional activities involves communi-

cation: with patients, their relatives, doctors. It is noted that the professional
communicative qualities of pharmacists constitute a psychological portrait of
future pharmacists. The content and structure of communicative competence
is determined. It is noted that the components of professional communica-
tive competence of future pharmacists are the motivational, cognitive and
professional communicative components that play the role of criteria for its
development. The basic conditions for the formation of the communicative
competence of the future pharmaceutical worker are determined. It is stated
that among professionally signi0xFB01cant psychological characteristics of the per-
sonality of a pharmaceutical worker, we can single out the ability to communi-
cate, establish and develop relationships with other people, emotional stabili­
ty, balance in the absence of impulsivity, excessive emotional expressiveness,
the ability to «read» non­verbal language and use it in professional activities,
communicative tolerance, sensitivity to deviation (neglect). The parameters of
paralinguistic communication that are professionally important for a pharma-
ceutical worker and the peculiarities of using the means of non­verbal com-
munication in their professional activities are outlined in the research paper.

Author Biography

Наталія Гончаренко, Ukrainian Military Medical Academy, Kyiv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant, Professor of the Department of Military Pharmacy


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How to Cite

Гончаренко, Н. (2019). Psychological Features of the Professional Communicative Activity of the Pharmaceutical Worker. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 79–103.