Self-Attitude as a Psychological Component of the Personal Development of a Modern Teenager




personality, self-­attitude, personal development, teenager, self­esteem, self­development, positive attitude, balance of mental development.


The article presents the results of an empirical study of the problem of self­at-
titude as a psychological component of the personal development of a modern
teenager. The main features and preconditions of the development of self­at-
titude are described. It is found out that the internal experience of a person is
0xFB01lled by the internal picture of the person’s representations about himself and
is necessary for its qualitative existence in the environment, in fact, it 0xFB01lls its
external experience. It is proved that the problem of adolescent self­attitude
deserves a special atetntion, since inadequate perception of own personality,
in this age period, can negatively a0exFB00ct the personal development of a young
person. It is found that the majority of studied adolescents has the prevailed
adequate level in the development of self­attitude. It is proved that signi0xFB01cant
changes take place in the development of self­attitude in the adolescence. It is
substantiated that the peculiarity of adolescence is the formation of indepen-
dent representations about oneself and others. It is empirically con0xFB01rmed that
teenagers in general take their own personality and adequately treat them-
selves. They have a considerable interest in themselves, a desire to know and
improve themselves. It is shown that self­development in adolescence takes
place against the background of accepting oneself and a holistic positive at-
titude toward oneself. Teenagers who tend to attribute responsibility for all
events to external factors have been identi0xFB01ed. It is shown that this leads to
the development of a sense of misunderstanding of oneself, a rejection that
violates the processes of balance of mental development, provokes internal
con0xFB02icts of personality. It is empirically discovered that teenagers’ self­at-ti
tude depends on the attitude of adults to them, and above all – parents.
It is revealed that a teenager learns the values, the parameters of assessments
and self­esteem that his parents value and on which he begins to evaluate
himself, as well as the image of himself who owns or does not possess those
or other qualities and features.
It is shown that the weak manifestations of the positive attitude of adults,
reduce the need of adolescents in the positive adoption of their own persona­
lity. The importance of adults in understanding and accepting adolescents as
they are, with their achievements and mistakes, is proved. The manifestations 

of undervalued self­esteem and inadequate reasoning about their own traits
are diagnosed. All this creates a situation of misunderstanding of oneself and
determines the need for personal changes. The formation of a positive atti-
tude of teenagers to themselves involves the ability to feel personal comfort,
a sense of pride, self­esteem, respect. The formation of personal «Me», self­
development takes place against the background of self­acceptance and a ho-
listic positive attitude towards oneself.

Author Biographies

Наталія Дмитріюк, Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor

Наталія Кордунова, Lesia Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Дмитріюк, Н., & Кордунова, Н. (2019). Self-Attitude as a Psychological Component of the Personal Development of a Modern Teenager. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 128–151.