Characteristics of Self-efficacy in the Space of an Individual’s Self-determination




personality, self­e0xFB03cacy, self­determination, development, psychological hardiness, life­meaningful orientations, self­attitude.


The results of the theoretical and experimental research on self­e0xFB03cacy in the
space of an individual’s self­determination are presented in the article. The
concept of self­e0xFB03cacy is analyzed theoretically and methodologically from
the point of view of di0exFB00rent conceptual approaches of national and foreign
psychology. A. Bandura’s conceptual paradigm of self­e0xFB03ciency is discussed
in the context of reciprocal determinism of self­e0xFB03cacy within the social lear­
ning theory. G. S. Kostiuk’s conceptual paradigm concerning formation of an
individual’s e0xFB03cacy is revealed within the concept of mental development. 

The fact is emphasized that G. S. Kostiuk initially and originally put forward
the problem of personal self­e0xFB03cacy within the systemic approach in the
40ies of the 20th century. The conceptual foundations for development of the
«self­e0xFB03cacy» issue in the national psychology are presented, as well as ex-
perimental studies on an individual’s self­determination in the contemporary
national psychological space. The experimental research on interconnections
in the «self­e0xFB03ciency – self­determination» system is analyzed. Self­e0xFB03cacy
in the 0xFB01eld of life­meaningful orientations is characterized and relations of
self­e0xFB03cacy with the plane of an individual’s self­determination are observed;
interrelations in the «self­e0xFB03cacy – hardiness» opposition are determined;
interconnections of self­e0xFB03cacy and self­determination are established. The
tendencies of interconnections in the dichotomous «self­e0xFB03cacy – self­de-
termination» system are determined. The model of productive self­e0xFB03cacy
on the plane of an individual’s self­determination is outlined. The dominant
features that are the most important for the formation of interconnections in
the «self­e0xFB03cacy – self­determination» system are identi0xFB01ed.

Author Biography

Марія Дригус, G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine, Kyiv

Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Researcher of the Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality


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How to Cite

Дригус, М. (2019). Characteristics of Self-efficacy in the Space of an Individual’s Self-determination. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 152–177.