The Goal-Setting Features of Individuals with Myopia Diagnosis




health, myopia, goals­setting, social factors, character.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the empirical study of the goal­setting
peculiarities of the patients with myopia, which is one of the most widespread
diagnoses in the world today. The authors carried out an analysis of works
emphasizing the relationship between the state of a person’s physical health
and his/her psychological peculiarities. The work is based on the assumption
that from the one hand, social factors play an important role in the formation
of widespread visual impairments, from the other hand, visual impairment in-
0xFB02uences personality’s features and as a consequence, his/her social behavior.
The authors consider that character features of the patients with myopia are
connected in particular with their goal­setting peculiarities.
To solve the set tasks, the following psychodiagnostic tools were used:
A. Karmanov’s questionnaire «Aim­Means­Result» and J. Buck’s projective
personality test «The house­tree­person test» (the main atetntion was paid to
the interpretation of the position of the picture on the sheet). The reliability of
the di0exFB00rences between the results of the selected respondents groups (con-
trol and experimental groups) was veri0xFB01ed using the t­Student distribution.
The article reveals the features of the psychological portrait of people
with myopia diagnosis. It has been proved that people with visual impairment
have speci0xFB01c psychological characteristics, in particular, they di0exFB00r in the spe-
ci0xFB01cs of goals setting and future planning. It has been found that such people
are ofetn characterized by uncertainty in the future, greater trust in past ex-
perience and small expectations for results. They have di0xFB03culties in goals set-
ting, «vision» of the future, and are characterized by somewhat lower activity
e0exFB00ctiveness compared with healthy respondents. It is more complicated for
patients with myopia to set long­term goals.
Perspectives for further research are seen in the study of the in0xFB02uence of
myopia diagnosis genesis features on the goals­setting speci0xFB01cs of such pa-

Author Biographies

Людмила Колісник, Sumy State University, Sumy

Ph.D. in Psychology, Counselling Psychologist

Дар’я Фрейдліна, Sumy State University, Sumy

3rd-Year Student of the Department of Psychology, Political Sciences and Social Cultural Technologies


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How to Cite

Колісник, Л., & Фрейдліна, Д. (2019). The Goal-Setting Features of Individuals with Myopia Diagnosis. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 223–241.