A Psychological Content of the Conflict Behaviour of Young Adolescents





adolescent, personality pro0xFB01le, psychological resource, con- 0xFB02ict, con0xFB02ict behavior, behavioral strategy, con0xFB02ict situation.


The article presents the 0xFB01ndings of a study of the psychological content of the
destructive behaviour of young adolescents in terms of inconstant informa-
tion society. It is proved that under the conditions of acceleration of the pace
of the modern history and the development of the information society, a need
arises to rethink the subjective indicators of the personality­related matu ring
of a child. It is stated that the accents are shifting in the direction of the de-
velopment of critical thinking, ingenuity, creativity, self­su0xFB03ciency and 0xFB02exi­
bility of the formation of logical patetrns of behaviour. The skills of shaping 

constructive interpersonal relationships are identi0xFB01ed as the most signi0xFB01cant
achievement of the child’s personality development in the age of information
The author states the most sensitive to the variability of the social en-
vironment are those teenagers, whose risks of destructive and, in particular,
con0xFB02ict forms of behaviour are on the increase, on the background of the
manifestations of the age­speci0xFB01c crisis of development. It is established that
the phenomenon of bulling (harassment) as a deliberate, systematically recur-
rent aggressive form of behaviour based on the social inequality and / or the
ine quality of physical force is common among young adolescents. It is proved
that teenage bulling and destructive forms of schoolchildren’s behaviour in
the period of transition to adulthood acquire the signs of instrumental aggres-
sion, and are a variety of protection from the disrespect to personality.
The author describes the results of the research devoted to modern ado-
lescents’ behavioral strategies in con0xFB02ict situations. It was empirically investi-
gated the substance structure of the personological pro0xFB01le of the propensity
for con0xFB02ict and adolescent aggressiveness. It is established that the most sig-
ni0xFB01cant personality characteristics of the complex of symptoms of aggressive-
ness and the propensity for con0xFB02ict in young adolescents are uncompromising
attitude and irascibility; in the complex of aggressiveness, positive aggressive-
ness prevails, which is characterized by such distinctive features of behaviour
as o0exFB00nsiveness and intransigence.
The conclusion is drawn that the purpose of teenagers’ con0xFB02ict is mainly
to upset the psychological balance of opponents and to assert oneself, which
is explained by the lack of experience in constructive behaviour and dialogic
communication skills. It is stated that modelling optimum personality con-
structs in adolescence is possible only in the context of acquiring personal
experience of successful rational­constructive behaviour and enhancing the
psychological culture of dialogic partnership.

Author Biography

Наталя Токарева, Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University, Кrуvуі Rіh

Dr. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Head of the Department of General and Age-related Psychology


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How to Cite

Токарева, Н. (2019). A Psychological Content of the Conflict Behaviour of Young Adolescents. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 381–404. https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246.2019-45.381-404