Students’ Self-Attitudes and Self-Actualization in the Context of Self-Determination: Analysis of the Empirical Research




personality, personal development, self­attitude, self­actualization, self­realization.


The article is devoted to the analysis of the experimental study of correla-
tions between parameters of students’ self­attitudes and self­actualization.
Self­attitude is de0xFB01ned as a complex multi­level emotional­value system that
takes place at certain developmental stages on the basis of active assimila-
tion, integration and hierarchization of information about «Self» and help an 

individual predict his/her social e0exFB00ctiveness and attitude of other towards
him/her, regulate interpersonal relationships, set and achieve goals. Self­
actualization is understood as a central aspect of personality development
and it is a manifestation of the innate tendency for the individuals’ natural
potential growth. The performed analysis of the survey data on students’ self­
attitude peculiarities substantiates that their attitudes toward themselves
has a pronounced positive emotional modus. There are signi0xFB01cant correla-
tions between parameters of self­attitude and self­actualization. Thus, a high
positive self­evaluation is related to an individual’s ability to appreciate own
dignity, to respect him/herself, directly and spontaneously express own fee­
lings, demonstrate emotions, be relatively independent in actions and to the
desire to be guided in life by own purposes, beliefs, attitudes and principles.
The performed study shows that the respondents, demonstrating the ability
to establish quickly actor­actor contacts, can understand and accept their own
aspirations and feelings, their own emotions, including negative ones, without
a need for feedback, without much concern for emotional reactions of others.
It is noticed the lack of harmonization of the students’ self­actualization pro-
cess and underdevelopment of their ability to constructive self­realization. The
expediency of development and introduction of e0exFB00ctive techniques for per-
sonal potential development, awareness of Self for self­realization and psy-
chological well­being is substantiated.

Author Biography

Ірина Яворська-Вєтрова, G. S. Kostiuk Institute of Psychology of NAES of Ukraine

Ph.D. in Psychology, Senior Researcher of the Chamata Laboratory of Psychology of Personality


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How to Cite

Яворська-Вєтрова, І. (2019). Students’ Self-Attitudes and Self-Actualization in the Context of Self-Determination: Analysis of the Empirical Research. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (45), 451–474.