Scientific and Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Communication in Modern Foreign Theories




communication, communicative interaction, intercourse, theories of communication.


The article presents a systematic theoretical and methodological analysis of
approaches to the problem of communication. The conceptual principles of the
main research projects abroad are compared. According to the results of scientifictheoretical
and comparative analysis, foreign theories of communication are
systematized and their main groups are identified. The aim of the article is to
identify theoretical aspects of the communication phenomenon.
In the realization of the purpose of this article theoretical methods of
research were used: analysis of psychological literature; systematization,
generalization, structuring of theoretical concepts.

The main directions of foreign scientific researches are identified in the
results of the research. All theories include information where messages are
transmitted through a system of signs and symbols that encode the necessary
information. Transaction theories are described, they consider communication as
a system of simultaneous interaction of communication partners accompanied
by a change in position and indicate the interdependence of the elements. The
theories of transaction considering the dynamic model of communication,
characterized by the gradual acquisition of experience of communicative
interaction, are distinguished. Social theories that investigate the social context
of communication and describe features of socialization of the individual are
characterized. On the basis of the conducted analysis of social theories, the
question of the influence of network communication on communication processes
in society has been analyzed. Psycholinguistic theories that study language
and speech as a means of communicative interaction are highlighted. Cultural
theories that focus on the formation of speech culture and communication skills
in a cultural environment are described; they are considered to be a defining
characteristic in the society development level. Theories of relational dialectics
are presented clarifying the specific requirements for communication in the
conditions of tension and studying the main factors that influence the outcome
of competitive or conflict interpersonal interaction.
The author makes a number of generalizations and concludes that the
substantive characteristics of these theories are to be studied in order to
expand the communicative competences of the society participants, increase
their communicative activity and ensure priority directions of interaction in the
conditions of modern society.
The article aims to expand the information base of the communication
problem in order to identify and outline the main areas of empirical research to
clarify the psychological features of communication skills and define the ways of
their formation based on the presented research theories.

Author Biography

Наталія Гончарук, Kamianets-Podilskyi National Ivan Ohiіenko University, Kamianets-Podilskyi

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Assistant Professor
of the Department of General and Applied Psychology


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How to Cite

Гончарук, Н. (2020). Scientific and Theoretical Analysis of the Problem of Communication in Modern Foreign Theories. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (47), 27–47.