Constructing a Cognitive-Reflexive Dimension of the Procrastinator’s Personality Model




procrastination, cognition, irrational beliefs, frustration intolerance, perfectionism, locus of control, awfulizing.


The article highlights the relevance and social significance of the study of
procrastination. The expediency of interpreting this phenomenon as a complex
construct with a branched structure is substantiated. Its components include
cognitive-reflexive, affective-motivational and connective-regulatory elements.
The author argues that it is the irrational beliefs inherent in the procrastinator
that determine the occurrence of negative emotional experiences and destructive
behaviors. Based on this, the article focuses on the specific thinking process of
persons inclined to procrastination.
The aim of the article is to construct a cognitive-reflexive dimension of
the functioning of the procrastinator’s personality. The main method of the 

study was theoretical analysis, which made it possible to identify key irrational
cognition of the subjects.
The results of the research show that the individual inclined to dilatory
behavior, as a rule, demonstrates two related dimensions of frustration
intolerance: emotional intolerance and intolerance to discomfort. The delay
in implementation of important tasks is usually accompanied by a person’s
tendency awfulizing the current life situation. As one of the elements of the
cognitive-reflexive level of procrastination, evaluative irrational beliefs, which
take the form of generalized negative judgments concerning the self, others and
the world at large, are highlighted. The author points out those procrastinators
have a present temporal orientation and, at the same time, do not actually have
a future orientation. The concept of perfectionism also deserves special attention
in the context of the study of the individual properties of the persons studied.
The article notes that the characteristic of this irrational belief in personality,
which is prone to procrastination, is documented in a considerable amount of
research work. According to the author, a significant feature of the cognitive
sphere of the procrastinator is the external locus of control. Implementation
of empirical verification of the constructed model is indicated as a prospect for
further research.
Conclusion. Therefore, precisely irrational cognitions of the procrastinator
determine the appearance of negative emotional reactions and his destructive
behaviors, therefore, the study of the characteristics of the mental sphere of an
individual procrastination prone in this context acquires special significance.

Author Biography

Олена Журавльова, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk

Ph.D. in Psychology, Doctoral Student, Department of Psychology and Sociology,


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How to Cite

Журавльова, О. (2020). Constructing a Cognitive-Reflexive Dimension of the Procrastinator’s Personality Model. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (47), 48–70.