Subjective Model of Reality: Origin of Construction
subjective model of reality, ontological plane of consciousness, epistemological plane of consciousness, positive imprinting of birth, filter of perception and response.Abstract
The aim of the article. The article outlines the system of the means of realization
of structuring senses of consciousness as a process of human creating a model
of reality, each link of which has the potential «stable-dynamic» subjective
conditions for modeling the objective world.
Methods. Empirical methods are presented by the diagnostic and psychocorrectional
technique «New positive birth imprinting» and diagnostic system
modeling techniques according to O. Zelinskyi.
The results of the research. The conditions and features of the formation
and manifestation of ontological character of consciousness are empirically
studied. The specificity of the ontological plan of consciousness is revealed; it
provides the ability to set filters for perceiving reality. The dialectical unity of
the ontological and epistemological plans of consciousness implementing the
semantic dynamics is outlined. It is proved that the development of one plane of
consciousness affects the content, dynamics and updated structure of another
one. The partial cases of consciousness that make the action of both planes of
consciousness possible are outlined. They include: a fixed installation of birth
imprinting, «psychological truth» and a formed «lifestyle»; cognitive contours
of consciousness: sensory-perceptive, perception, thinking, affective, reflection;
«representative systems» as a dominant way of obtaining information from
the outside world; mechanisms for discovering new meanings; mechanisms for
creating a model of reality. The study allowed us to identify the range, intensity,
predominant modalities of experiences and four dichotomous emotional and
behavioral reactions of the subjects.
Conclusion. It is proved that in the process of rebirth, personal typical
emotional and behavioral reactions are recognized and realized, discovering
the meanings of their life attitudes and the reasons that determine them. The
indicated discoveries perform the reconstruction of the ontological plan of
consciousness, functioning as an implicitly existing space. It is subjectively colored
in a unique way and has a potential readiness to perceive and process external
information. The individual emotional coloring of each person is an outgoing link
for the functioning and fixation of cognitive outlines of consciousness, the sense
formation of the personality, that causes the substantial detailing and general
scale of the subjective model of reality.
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