Defining Impishness as a Component of Ludic Competence via Restructuring Semantic Elements of the Concept «Impishness»




ludic competence, playfulness, ludic position, impishness, psycholinguistic experiment, free association test, linguistic consciousness.


The aim of the article is to outline the semantic scope of the concept of
impishness and to define «impishness» as a component of ludic competence via
restructuring its semantic elements.
The main method of research is a psycholinguistic experiment. The sample
comprised 400 respondents (aged 30–60 years), male and female respondents
being equally represented.
The results of the research enabled us to conclude that the concept of
«impishness» in the linguistic consciousness of the Russian-speaking people of
Ukraine is represented by four core clusters: «horseplay» (34.25%), «flirting»
(15%), «childish behaviour» (11.25%) and «womanlike behaviour» (8.5%).
Among peripheral clusters there is a peculiar cluster «ability of creative
and devious imagination» (2.5%) which reflects the cognitive component of
«impishness». The analysis of semantic clusters of the concept «impishness»
also revealed significant differences between male and female samples. Women
associate «impishness» with a child’s behaviour (f. 7.25% / m. 1.5%) whereas
men tend to associate it with a woman’s behaviour (f. 0% / m. 7.5%). Peripheral
clusters «madness», «behaviour during sexual intercourse», «lecherousness»
mostly include male reactions, while «animal behaviour» and «active behavior»
mostly contain female reactions. Relying on the results of cluster analysis of the
concept «impishness» and on the main components of impishness according to
A. Fomintseva, we define «impishness» as the ability to deliberately create «self-

challenging» situations while interacting with the subject/object of a prank with
the aim to experience intense positive emotions, e.g. while exploring forbidden
subjects or expressing creativity. As far as the prospect of further research
is concerned, it appears worthwhile to describe the theoretical structure
«impishness» as a scale for measuring ludic competence in the questionnaire
that we are developing, taking into consideration the meanings that reflect the
reality of the linguistic consciousness of native speakers.

Author Biographies

Юлия Кобзева, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv

MA in Psychology, Postgraduate Student at the Department
of Psychology

Ия Гордиенко-Митрофанова, H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Kharkiv

Dr. in Psychology, Professor at the Department of Psychology


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How to Cite

Кобзева, Ю., & Гордиенко-Митрофанова, И. (2020). Defining Impishness as a Component of Ludic Competence via Restructuring Semantic Elements of the Concept «Impishness». Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (47), 118–140.