The Paradigm of the Professional Development of a Specialist in the Field of Physical Rehabilitation in according with the Formation of Professionally Significant Experience of a Specialist
professionally significant experience, valuable experience, the experience of reflecting his / her own professional activity, operational experience, functions of professionally significant experience.Abstract
The aim of the research is to analyze the problem of experience in a paradigm
of psychology, to outline psychological components of professionally significant
experience in general, to identify the components of professionally significant
experience of a specialist in the field of physical rehabilitation, taking into
account the peculiarities of his / her professional activity.
were used to solve the tasks formulated in the article: a categorical method,
structural and functional methods, the methods of the analysis, systematization,
modeling, generalization.
The results of the research. Professionally meaningful experience will have
valuable, reflexive, communicative and operational characteristics. It is this set
of parameters of experience that ensures the independence of the individual,
his / her creative or reflexive activity. Professionally significant experience is also
gained in situations of involuntary activity, immediate (or insight) responses,
the situations which are full of automatisms, adaptive or constructive actions.
It is emphasized that both personally significant and professionally meaningful
experience is not only a scientific problem, but also a matter of life formation
of personality, a problem of constructing his / her own image of the world. A
professionally meaningful experience allows the subject to propose a model or a
plan of professional activity, to present the scale of life ideas, which will allow the
person to realize his / her own place at each more or less important moments of
life, to build a bifurcation space of personal and professional growth.
The activity of the individual, his / her position according to professionally
meaningful society is not only and not so much presented that he / she thus
«contributes» to something in common, integral and social, but that he / she
is able to create without direct coordination with all representatives of the
society, his / her own system of ways of professional interaction with people, a
kind of social-interpretation professionally oriented complex. It is stated that the
approach to the problem of professionally meaningful experience is especially
important for the field of physical rehabilitation, since the specialist has to show
exceptional skills to perform professional activity in a system not of the abstract
paradigm, but according to his / her own system of world.
Conclusions. The components of professionally significant experience of a
specialist in a field of physical rehabilitation are defined to include: 1) valuable
experience; 2) the experience of reflecting his / her own professional activity;
3) operational experience. It is stated that the valuable experience fulfills the
following functions: a developmental one, a differential function, the integrative
one, semantic and self-determining functions, and a function of conservation. The
functions of the component «experience of reflecting his / her own professional
activity» are: subjectively updated function, a preventive one, the interpretive and
the adaptive functions, also the function of adjustment. Functions of operational
experience include: a consultative function, a cognitive one, communicative and
perceptive functions, a psychotherapeutic and a nominative ones, the function
of stating the purpose and coding the information.
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