Resource’s Richness of Personality
resource’s richness, psychological resourcefulness, resourcefulness, systemic reflection, ability to self-transformation.Abstract
resource’s richness of the personality.
The following methods are applied: psychological survey using such
techniques as personal’s resource questionnaire, personality’s psychological
resourcefulness questionnaire, diagnostics of existential resources’ indicators
questionnaire, virtue and strength of character questionnaire, crisis coping
questionnaire, psychology and personality questionnaire of uncertainty. Methods
of mathematical and statistical analysis such as multivariate analysis, onefactor
variance analysis, cluster analysis, classification analysis, and correlation
analysis have been applied. The study is based on the Bayer model, which turns
the problem into a solution in which it will be solved.
The results of the research: according to the multivariate analysis (factor
weight > 0,70), which cumulatively explained 57,1% of the variance in the
study group, it was found that factor 1 (44,3%) contains such components
of resource’s richness as psychological survival resources, psychological
resourcefulness, psychological well-being, coherence, existential resources,
strength of character. The content of the second factor (13%) are the indicators
of personal resourcefulness and intolerance for uncertainty. Systemic reflection
prevails over quasi-reflection and introspective reflection in individuals with
high levels of resource’s richness. Changes in the level of resource’s richness are
most due to uncertainty tolerance (rank 100). The inter-correlation between
psychological resourcefulness and other components of resource’s richness is the
closest one. Uncertainty intolerance is the most closely related to psychological
resourcefulness, the components of which are the interpretative codes of the
significance of an event to man. Psychological survival resources are in one
cluster with coherence. The ability of a person to use consciously available
own resources is conditioned by the level of his systemic reflection, which is
incorporated into the resource’s richness through psychological resourcefulness.
Conclusions. It is not important how many psychological resources a person
has, but whether, he or she knows about them and whether they can apply
them according to their life situation. Resource’s richness is characterized as a
reflexively conditioned ability of a person to self-transformation.
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