Peculiarities of Metacognitive Awareness in the Students’ Training




metacognition, metacognitive awareness, metacognitive involvement into activity, metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive processes, educational activity, students.


The aim of the article was to analyze theory and to research empirically
metacognitive awareness of students in training. In the article, we have analyzed
theory and diagnosed empirically the levels of metacognitive awareness
(involvement in activity) of students in the process of their training at the
The methods of our research included theoretical analysis of the present
conceptual studies of the phenomenon of metacognitive awareness and empirical
evaluation of its indicators with the use of the questionnaire «Metacognitive
Awareness Inventory» by G. Schraw and R. Dennison (adapted by A. Karpov
and I. Skytiaieva). We also used the D. Everson’s questionnaire of metacognitive
characteristics of personality, and in particular the scale of metacognitive
involvement in activity.
Results of the research allow us to conclude that in the individual work
with students it is advisable to use the Metacognitive Awareness Inventory
by G. Schraw and R. Dennison, adapted by A. Karpov and I. Skytiaieva, and
the Everson’s questionnaire «Metacognitive Characteristics of a Personality».
These methods allow to identify students with either very low or low levels of
metacognitive awareness, and find out, which metacognitive processes that are
important for the efficiency level they do not use, but potentially can use.
In the article, the results of the theoretical analysis and empirical research
of the issue of metacognitive awareness have been presented. The author has
provided data on the levels of metacognitive awareness (involvement in activity)
of students, among them the average level has significantly prevailed. The data
obtained with the use of the two methods can improve the efficiency of the use
of relevant materials in the educational process based on the general analysis
results of the metacognitive element, which students use most often.
Conclusions. According to the results of the research, we can conclude that
identification and analysis of metacognitive awareness of students can be an
effective tool for the pedagogues, which would consider individual characteristics
of students and appropriately build their activity focused at improvement of
their own metacognitive knowledge and skills. This is important in the context
of the attitude towards students as the subjects of their own cognitive activity.

Author Biography

Едуард Балашов, National University of Ostroh Academy,stroh (Ukraine)

Ph.D. in Psychology, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology and Pedagogy


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How to Cite

Балашов, Е. (2020). Peculiarities of Metacognitive Awareness in the Students’ Training. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (48), 11–34.