Methodological Principles of Research of the Phenomenon of Procrastination




procrastination, systemic unity, structural, continuity, psychosocial and biological substructure.


The author proves the relevance of the study of procrastination to be a stable
personal construct. The consequences of the increased tendency of the individual
to exhibit dilatory behavioral reactions are outlined.
The purpose of the article is to construct a theoretical and methodological
base for a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of procrastination. The main
methods of research were theoretical analysis and modeling, which formed the
basis for determining the structure of this disposition.
The results of the theoretical study of the problem indicate the necessity
to interpret procrastination as a holistic concept, the influence of which is in all 

dimensions of the personality’s life. The analysis of the essence of the studied
concept makes it possible to point out its multidimensionality and determinability
by a wide range of psychological, social and physiological factors. The basis for
the creation of the model of personality of the procrastinator was the principles
of the post-nonclassical scientific paradigm, the principles of systematic,
structural, continuity and biopsychosocial approach of J. Angell. Due to the
certain methodological approach, the author notes that procrastination at the
macro-systemic level functions as a multidimensional integral stable personal
formation, and in the subsystem sphere it is represented by psychosocial and
biological substructures.
The psychosocial field of procrastination is considered as a set of individual
personality traits that are formed and transformed by the inclusion of a person
in a wide range of reference groups and the process of socialization in general.
From the point of view of the author, the specified dimension of a person being
predisposed to procrastination is manifested in his way of thinking, emotional
experiences and peculiarities of behavior. Thus, within the psychosocial area, the
cognitive-reflexive, affective-motivational and connective-regulatory levels of
procrastinator functioning are distinguished.
The biological substructure contains two components: a neurophysiological
(specific features in the activity of areas of the cerebral cortex of persons being
predisposed to delaying important cases) and psychosomatic (specific somatic
disorders associated with the individual’s procrastination tendency).
Conclusion. Thus, an integral multilevel model of procrastination as a stable
personal construct was formed, requiring further empirical verification.

Author Biography

Олена Журавльова, Department of Psychology and Sociology, Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University, Lutsk (Ukraine)

Ph.D in Psychology, Doctoral Student


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How to Cite

Журавльова, О. (2020). Methodological Principles of Research of the Phenomenon of Procrastination. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (48), 88–111.