Age Peculiarities of Psychological Adaptation of Ukrainian Winterers for Life in Antarctic Conditions




adaptation, adaptability, life in Antarctic, readiness, preparation for extreme activity, age groups of adulthood.


The peculiarities of winterers’ psychological adaptation to extreme conditions
of life article are discussed in the article. In winter Ukrainian polar explorers,
who make researches by the directions consolidated by the State Program, stay
long on the limited territory, so that they need adaptation to social isolation and
psychological deprivation. In addition, the adaptation of winterers takes place
in the severe climate, and it much depends on the readiness of the participants
of expedition to the fulfillment of professional responsibilities in the extreme
The aim of the article is to present theoretical bases and practical results
of researches on age peculiarities of psychological adaptation of Ukrainian
winterers for life in Antarctic conditions on the example of the last 9 expeditions
to the Ukrainian Antarctic station «Academician Vernadskyі».
Methods. The complex of methods of psychological researches of
adaptation processes of personality of a certain age is used. The experiment
involved 70 winterers who have been in Antarctica during the year from 2011
to 2019.
The results of the research. The results of empirical studies on adaptation
rates in winterers of different age groups for previous representatives are
presented. After the comparison of survey results during the expedition the
presence of changes in psychological characteristics was revealed. It was found
that during the stay in Antarctica, some winterers experienced psycho-emotional
problems, and revealed typical psychological and psychophysiological changes.
It was found that the most difficult period of life was the period of the Antarctic
Conclusions. The most adapted age group for life in Antarctic is proved to
be middle-aged adults aged from 35 to 45 years. The representatives of this
group make up about 40% of participants of the Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions
that testifies to the sufficient level of psychological stability of wintering teams.

Author Biographies

Олена Мірошниченко, Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University, Zhytomyr (Ukraine)

Ph.D. in Pedagogy, Assistant Professor, Department of Pedagogy,
Professional Education and Management of Educational

Ігор Пасічник, National University of Ostroh Akademy, Ostroh (Ukraine)

Dr. in Psychology, Professor, Rector


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How to Cite

Мірошниченко, О., & Пасічник, І. (2020). Age Peculiarities of Psychological Adaptation of Ukrainian Winterers for Life in Antarctic Conditions. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (48), 228–252.