Features of Criminal Behavior of Persons with Mental Disorders, which Were Found to Be Limited Sane





criminal behavior, limited sanity, individualization of punishment, mental disorders, intellectual activity, strong-willed processes, emotional sphere.



 The paper notes the urgency of the problem of criminal responsibility of persons with mental disorders, which does not exclude sanity. This is due, on the one hand, to an increase in mental health conditions among the perpetrators due to the general decline in the level of mental health of the population and, on the other hand, to the lack of a clear legislative solution to the criminal and legal significance of mental anomalies in the individualization of punishment. The need to analyze the impact on the implementation of the wrongful act of the relevant data set was noted.

The aim of the article is to disclose the specifics of the criminal conduct of persons with mental disorders, which were found to be limited sane.

The following methods were used to achieve the tasks: theoretical analysis of scientific literature, psychodiagnostic and statistic methods.

In the study 103 cases of persons undergoing a comprehensive psychological and psychiatric examination were analyzed and found to be unable to fully understand the nature and significance of their actions during the offence and were found to be limited sane.

The results of the research. The study shows that a person’s mental state is determined by the forensic psychiatric examination, or complex forensic-psychiatric examination, appointed after the fact of committing a socially dangerous act by that person, if there is evidence of doubt about his sanity. It has been found that mental disorders and certain states of the psyche, affecting the intellectual and volition sphere of the individual’s activities, do not always automatically deprive it of the opportunity at the time of the crime to realize the actual nature and public danger of their actions (inaction) or to direct them.

Conclusions. It has been proved that the person who committed a socially dangerous act requires the study of violations in the intellectual and emotional-volitional spheres, criticality, self-control, as well as the study of the criminal situation, which allows to assess the degree of actualization and influence of the psychological disorder available in the sub-expert, his ability to regulate fully his behavior during the period of committing illegal actions.

Author Biography

Наталія Завязкіна, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv

Dr. in Psychology, Assistant Professor


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How to Cite

Завязкіна, Н. (2020). Features of Criminal Behavior of Persons with Mental Disorders, which Were Found to Be Limited Sane. Collection of Research Papers "Problems of Modern Psychology", (49), 37–59. https://doi.org/10.32626/2227-6246.2020-49.37-59